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WVU is, um, passing the time

Dana Holgorsen touched on this yesterday, but if you thought he was being nice when he was saying exciting things about injured receiver Connor Arlia being this close to playing, check out Arlia’s position coach, Shannon Dawson.

By the way, it looks like Tyler Urban might not play (Edit: WVU says he will.) play and that would leave WVU with three slot receivers — Tavon, Devon Brown and Willie Milhouse. Brad Starks, Urban, Arlia, Dustin Garrison, Terence Garvin and Josh Taylor … that’s a lot of bodies there and that’s why Dawson had not trouble singling out a key to the time between now and kickoff Wednesday.

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Surely by now you’ve seen or have heard about this ESPN The Magazine story that takes an interesting route to preview Wednesday’s Orange Bowl. The writer talks to officials who have covered Big East and ACC games.

Neat perspective and a rewarding quote regarding WVU.

“The biggest difference we’ve all noticed so far when it comes to how Bill Stewart ran things versus how Dana Holgorsen does it has been sideline discipline. It just feels like total chaos at times. Maybe he’s still figuring out the CEO part of the job, but a crazy sideline is usually an indicator of disorganization elsewhere. … Catch them in one of those stretches and you can gash them. That’s why they lost games they shouldn’t have and had so many that were close that shouldn’t have been.”

And surely you know this went over about as well as Krusty the Clown at a coulrophobic’s birthday party. WVU didn’t take the criticism too well or too lightly Monday — and you can understand why. I mean, really,a Big East official commenting on chaos? I expect Dennis Leary to be at practice today to wash Dana’s mouth out with soap.

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Daily Mail roundup

– WVU’s Brodrick Jenkins taught Clemson’s Sammy Watkins a thing or two. I’m not sure modesty was on the syllabus.

“I wanted to be like him when I got there and the coaches always talked about him,” Watkins said. “Then I followed him in high school and got better than him – I would say I got way better than him at my position.”

– The Barclays are sad to see this come to an end.

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And then there were two …

… days left before the Orange Bowl. Dana Holgorsen may feel like he’s been getting ready for this game for a long time, but he believes every part of the preparations — apart from the injuries, of course — is going according to plan.

An, but what about practice …

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If this is the end for Jeff Casteel …

… then West Virginia’s defensive coordinator was himself to the finish line. Face it: The longer Rich Rodriguez goes without a defensive coordinator, the more the suspicion grows that Casteel will be that guy. There’s no way around that wall. And, truth be told, the more time passes, the more the suspicion turns into certainty.

Doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. There are, of course, multiple possibilities.

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Tuesday, wait, Saturday practice notes

“Practice went fine today. We consider this our Tuesday practice so we were getting into our normal routine for the game week. The weather has been outstanding and I can see that our players are getting excited for
game day.

“The players’ focus has been good, and they have been working hard. We are down here to win a football game, and I think our mix of preparation and fun has been good.”

WVU Coach Dana Holgorsen said that and that Najee Goode, Joe Madsen, Eu and Keith Tandy will be Wednesday’s game captains.

The Mountaineers practiced today for one hour and 45 minutes at Barry University and then went to the Orange Bowl Family Beach Party from 2-6 p.m. at the Fontainebleau Hotel. Walk-on receiver Connor Arlia, from Weirton, was taken to the hospital after a jet ski accident. The trip was precautionary and WVU will update his condition tomorrow.

Former Mountaineers at practice Saturday were Grantis Bell, Johnny Dingle, Dale Williams and Puppy Wright. Former University of Miami Coach Randy Shannon and Florida Atlantic assistant coach Kurt VanValkenburgh were also in attendance.

A few years ago, Julian Miller told me that in today’s game of college football, nine sacks would make for a good season. He topped that as a sophomore. And again as a junior. This preseason, he said he wanted to become a better player by managing a defensive touchdown. He did that, too.

I should have asked him about winning lottery numbers or perhaps a final score Monday. I instead asked him about Tajh Boyd, his premonitions and the defense’s late-season resiliency.

Dana Holgorsen was about as freaked out by Dustin Garrison’s injury as you would imagine. He feels terrible, I’m sure, but publicly he’s unflappable. Remember, late in the season this guy became their talisman, so it’s no surprise the beat goes on …

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Clemson commentary

That right there is Tajh Boyd and he’s done his homework on the WVU defense.

“They lost Terence Garvin and I don’t know how much that affected them. We’ll have to see when we get out there, but he’s a really, really good player.”

And when Boyd says “see when we get out there,” he means it. He wants to get to know whoever is playing Garvin’s spot.

“We’ll definitely take some shots,” he said.

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Bruce Irvin and Najee Goode just can’t agree on who sacked Zach Collaros and forced the fumble that Julian Miller recovered for a touchdown. What the Mountaineers will agree to is  they’re not here without that play.

“What happened to Collaros is unfortunate. It’s part of the game and I talked to him afterward and he understands where I was coming from, just playing the game, but that brought in Munchie Legaux, who had never played and (defensive coordinator Jeff) Casteel started dialing up blitzes,” Irvin said.

“That was a big turning point for both teams. We got after him them after that sack and that touchdown. It was really not only a game-changing moment, but a season-changing moment.”

That’s the school that gave to you Eu, Stedman Bailey, Ivan McCartney and, before all of them, Josh Taylor. At least one more player is on his way in the 2012 recruiting class and who knows how many more will follow?

I took a personal tour Thursday all by myself. How?

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