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WVU v. Liberty: A whole new ballgame


You are looking live at Mountaineer Field, site of today’s marching band practice and also a football game between West Virginia and Independence Liberty. They’ll begin at 3 p.m., and we’ll begin right now with an update about our modus operandi here.

For starters, we’ll actually have a live post today. That’s nice. But there’s an asterisk. I’m actually covering the game for tomorrow’s paper, which is new to me (save those Thursday night games with late kickoffs the past few seasons). In the past, when I worked for the paper that didn’t publish on Sundays and wonderfully freed me to spend less time on the every play coverage and give more attention to the big picture, we’d have a party here, and later I’d send a pretty generic game story for the web and layer in some quotes afterward. Now I have to do real newspaper work and generate an as-it-happened account of the game. That doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it is a difference. You get to party, but I’ve got to drive later, so pardon me and my ginger ale, please.

Plus, I’m not interested in inverted pyramid, AP style content that tells you who won and what the statistics were, especially when everyone knows that when the game ends and oftentimes before that. Still, it’s something of a necessity and I’m going to try and do that with an angular approach.

What’s it mean? For today, less of me here and more of me on Twitter/Facebook; that’s the delivery system that moves the needle most. I can’t say for sure this will be the permanent model, and today’s game figures to be transparent enough that I might be able to stray from the path, but I do think what I’ll attempt today is going to be more of the rule than the exception for when the opposition is tougher (and the games are later). It’s a trial run, but practice makes … I forget the rest.

Look for me. I’m open in the post.

Update: We’re actually not blogging. Short explanation: The live blog option isn’t working. Longer explanation: There’s an issue with the set-up that I’ve tried to have fixed, and hasn’t been fixed.

Live Blog WVU vs Liberty