The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Wednesday’s mean G&B

Previously on WVUSBw/MC, we detailed our new rotation for 2015 coverage. Tuesdays had normally been the days devoted to “The Good and the Bad of …” and Wednesdays were the designated dates for the Wednesday Walkthrough. We’ve switched that up, making Tuesday the video preview for the week where we tackle a taboo. G&B runs Wednesdays now.

The rest is normal, and on Monday we celebrated Texts From Game Day with what I think are three of the best, if not the three best, editions ever. I can’t do that for you today with G&B.

What I can do is give you every edition I’ve ever published right here.

I can’t pick a favorite. I could try, and there are a few that I think are better than others, but what’s the fun in that? If you have favorites, whether editions or sections within editions, share them here, please. And do marvel at the way this has evolved through the years. This year, I take aim at clips that are not sub-Zapruderian.

Lastly, if today is Wednesday then tomorrows Thursday, and that means we chat at 11 a.m. Tell the world.