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Help from Lou Holtz, George Lopez

Bill Stewart made it in and out of the Regatta Bar and Grill safely last night and bravely subjected himself to two hours or calls and commentary mostly about the ECU loss … even though it’s in the past. It was an anticipated edition of the Statewide Sportsline because a lot of people were looking forward to the coach handling and addressing critiques and concerns. But it seems there were Internet streaming problems that left many people unable to listen on their computers. Fortunately for them, one person actually listened to and recounted the show for a message board (it gets “good” a few pages in). Highlights:

caller: looked like we didn’t have any passion.
stew: i disagree about not having any passion. when things aren’t clicking…. last year’s fb is now in seattle. last year’s rb is now in houston, last year’s wr is now in minn. not going to have nay saying get us down. what people say about bill stewart is a-ok. i have a strong back. i don’t even know how to get on the internet. the internet has no affect on what we do at west virginia university. i don’t answer to people on the internet. bring it on. just leave the players alone.

coach stew sought advice from lou holtz this week

Stew ran in Colorado 20 miles a week 50 weeks a year for 4 yrs when he was 38 yrs old and he didn’t need oxygen, so NO OXYGEN! Lou Holtz agrees!

“Why would anyone go home and get on message boards?” says Stew, “I watch George Lopez with my son” pp. Wow! We’re all a bunch of losers!

caller #19: watched game 3 times. seemed like lots of bad calls. … caller asked a question on those lines but missed it.

stew: fumble was rough, but officials told me “don’t waste your timeout”. the pass interference, ugh. the worst was the spotting of the ball (referencing the 4th down conversation ecu got).

caller #20: how’s the coaching staff gelling?
stew: we have greatest coaching staff in america. i really mean it.

tony: 221 years of college coaching experience. 89 bowl games. … more stats… “we have a seasoned, seasoned staff. to me, it doesn’t even enter into the thought process of… to me, it’s comforting to know we have this experience.”

stew: we’re not in a panic mode. we just need a little time. we’re in this for the long haul. we’re building a program.