The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Stay off the field means just that

I’ve rushed a field before. Many times, in fact. I’ve been pepper sprayed and I’ve grabbed patches of grass. I’m not unlike many others. Prior to Saturday, though, I’ve never been on the field when thousands of people decided to rush onto it. Chaotic. I was legitimately worried for a  few moments, but only because every spot I thought was safe was soon jeopardized by the flood of humanity. I really never thought the students would run through and leap over the hedges. I guess you do learn something every day. 

I wrote about the delirium today, though only as a way to transition to a much, much larger problem, and that column actually generated more e-mail for the (accurate) description of the scene. Turns out there is an investigation into claims of brutality. 

Many others attending the home game expressed outrage and disappointment over what they saw in person, and later relived through video.

“It was the most repulsive thing I’ve ever seen,” said New Bern resident Michael Jones. “Those kids weren’t doing anything wrong.”

Two of Jones’ children attend ECU, and he said he saw many officers using excessive force from his seat over the goalpost.

“I’m just grateful my son didn’t run out on the field,” he said. “These guys were getting the crap kicked out of them.”