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Gilbert Arenas feels for Joe

(Apologies for the hassle today. Unexplained technical problems kept the site offline all afternoon. It’s kind of hard to type when you’re throwing your hands in the air. Things just started humming again. Also, this glitch has nothing to do with me being gone tomorrow, either. Back Wednesday. Handle your business in the post that greets you tomorrow morning.)

Joe Alexander sort of knew he was going to be drafted by the Milwaukee Bucks last month, which is why I suspect he was so pro-Milwaukee well before the actual draft. To his credit, though, he kept it going after the pick was made.

“That’s why I came back.  In the draft process, just like teams elminiate players they don’t want, players can eliminate teams they don’t want.  You certainly don’t go back and visit a team again if you don’t want.”

All of this must have alarmed one Gilbert Arenas, who might not beat Jeffrey Dahmer in a popularity contest in Wisconsin.

Richard Jeffersongoing to Milwaukee …. HAHAHA! Oh man, now that is funny. When I heard that, I started laughing. Oh man, did I start laughing. You know why? Because every player hates Milwaukee. Nobody wants to live in Milwaukee. I’m sorry, Milwaukee, to come down hard on you, but no one in the NBA wants to play in Milwaukee. From him going from New Jersey, actually from New York (because he lives in New York), from New York to Milwaukee is like going … let’s just say it’s not going to sit well with you. That was a funny one when I heard that one. I know Yi is happy though.