The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Our mysteryman Dusty Rutledge was a guest on Hoppy Kercheval’s show Tuesday, just a day after he was again mentioned in a deposition in the WVU v. Rodriguez lawsuit — which is strange because a few lawyers have already told me they can’t imagine a scenario in which they’d allow a potentially important witness to speak in such a forum wherehe’s open to any question and any behavior. Yet he spoke freely for several minutes (audio here) and, quite honestly, didn’t act in a way that might jeopardize anything.

What he did do, however, was add to his intrigue. He’s got to have something, right?

It remains quite clear Rutledge had a good seat for the action on the night of Dec. 15, when he and Rodriguez were under the impression P-Rod would be promised certain things to make him stay. Rutledge attempted to decertify President Mike Garrison’s sworn testimony and said P-Rod never turned on West Virginia and the people and never spoke disdainfully. He also questioned whether the term Product Rodriguez is for real or just a timely creation by Garrison, a point Rutledge then used to call certain characters into question.

“Let’s put Heather Bresch, Garrison, (Craig) Walker and (Joe) Manchin in one circle over here and in another circle let’s put Garrison, Walker, Manchin and Rich Rodriguez. What’s the common denominator here? The common denominator is not Heather Bresch and Rich Rodriguez. It’s Walker, Garrison and Manchin.”