The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

That was … well, it was long

Spent the better part of two hours combing through the deposition and I’m left with a few impressions I’m saving to present in a column rather than here. No offense. It wasn’t as much informative as it was entertaining. I didn’t really learn anything pertinent to the case and the most tangible value is that some things are now on the record. I was instead left with the unmistakable feeling that this is a verrrry combative conflict.

Take this segment of questions from Team Rodriguez attorney Marv Robon and the answers from Ed Pastilong near the finish as the prime example: 

Q     Hardesty wasn’t a lawyer; was he?

A     Hardesty is a lawyer.

Q     Oh, he is a lawyer?

A     Yes, sir.

 Q     So we got two presidents in a row, that are  lawyers.  Okay.

         I think I want to move down here, I might get a job.

[WVU attorney] MR. FLAHERTY:  I wouldn’t count on it.

It was like that from the very beginning. Team Rodriguez seemed just a little off on so many facts, premises and pursuits and eventually Team WVU was clearly objecting and injecting in disbelief.

I read through the comments and enjoyed them all, but one in particular stood tall:

jmbwvu said:


Can you start a ’sub-blog’ within this entry asking for what the theme song should be for Team RR??? That could get funny.

Uh, yes. Carry on…