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Your move, Mr. Aschebrook

Some clarity, at long last, regarding Larry Aschebrook and it seems he simply left WVU to take a more lucrative, more beneficial position at Arizona State. The timing remains curious, but it would seem to be nothing more than curious. It also seems we’ll have some additional clarity in the future regarding how serious Aschebrook takes the allegation levied agaisnt him.

Aschebrook first learned of Magee’s allegation in March and promptly created a sworn affidavit disputing the charge. Aschebrook and Hartley publicized the affidavit last week after Magee went public with his accusation.

“Larry thought he and Calvin and he and Rich were friends,” Hartley said. “He spent a lot of time talking with Calvin and with Rich and he thought they were friends. He’s very upset about this and hasn’t closed the door on the incident. He has not yet decided what to do from a legal standpoint. He’s leaving all the options open.”