The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Sidebars from Scottsdale

Probably no one cares about this, but I’m going to push the envelope. The hospitality for the media here has been really genuine and gratifying.

You have to understand, we’re people who are used to leaving messages that are not returned, being told a university won’t comment on a coaching search and then discovering the president did an interview with the university-affiliated radio network in which he commented on the coaching search, being called unimaginable/unoriginal names and being treated as general nuisances. So when we’re coddled, it’s easy for us to not only embrace it, but to hang on for dear life.

The other night, for example, there was a knock on my door. It was a staff member who offered fresh towels. And chocolate. I didn’t need towels and I’m allergic to chocolate — I’ll pause for laughter — and I think the nice woman felt bad when I told her. As I kindly thanked her and shut the door, a man appeared and said something to the woman. The woman then said “Quesadilla?”

“What? Yes I want a Quesadilla.”

The man produced a delicious, piping hot half-quesadilla. I was and still am stunned.

And that was before I went for a shower and saw the hotel products: grapefruit and mint shower gel, ginger and lemongrass facial soap, bergamot and tea tree shampoo and conditioned, orange and sandalwood lotion and whisper mint mouthwash.

The bad news was I felt out of sorts. The good news is I got my wife some gifts: the shower gel, facial soap, shampoo and conditioner, lotion and mouthwash I bought in travel portions before I left to come here.