The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Sidebars from Scottsdale

Twas an almost uneventful practice today at Scottsdale Community College and interim Coach Bill Stewart — I’m told he still hasn’t interviewed — hurried through his final pre-practice briefing clearly content with the preparations.

I saw no feather to provide as proof, but it looked like that cat swallowed the canary.

Prior to practice, quarterback Patrick White and center Mike Dent goofed around with White playing defensive lineman against Dent, who neutralized both speed and power rushes by White. They then turned the tables and White played center while Dent became the defensive lineman.

First, White actually used a head-bob to draw Dent offsides. On the next attempt, Dent went outside and White pushed him to the ground and ran away laughing. They then shook hands and started stretching.

A reporter asked about White and Stewart eventually got around to a pretty neat way to describe White’s speed.

“He had 20-some inside-the-parkhome runs in Little League. Some of you guys probably didn’t know that. Shoot, he’ll probably get mad I’m telling you stuff you didn’t know about him, but he had 22 or 23 inside-the-park home runs in that little Little League park. How do you do that? The answer is you’re pretty fast.”