The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

New idea: Texts from Game Day

A few of you know me and anyone else who does knows I have this black technological device attached to my hand. It’s the Motorola Q9C and, if what people say (behind my back) is true, I can’t be sure I can function properly without my cell phone.

I know this: I can’t work in my satellite office (a.k.a. my living room) without it. I mean, I owe my bosses constant acces, right? I know this, too: Text messages are hilarious.

Examples and conversations I’ve saved (and can print) from the last month or so that gave me an idea I’ll share in a few moments:

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Friday Feedback

Welcome to a Rodriguez-free edition of the Friday Feedback. We’re not going there today. There are bigger issues to tackle, though to be honest, I felt everything was handled perfectly in the comments this week. No need to sully the fine work. Just to put a bow on it (for now), yes, it happens across the country. No, it’s not right. Yes, he’s a bad guy. No, he’s not the only one. Yes, he coached at WVU. No, he’s not here now. Yes, he’s on the hot seat. … I don’t have a counter to that.

If the alleged violations are just alleged, it at least pushes him closer to the precipice of an ugly exit. A hammer is been taken to his rep. Again. If the investigation, which has an outside group as well as the NCAA involved now, turns up something, well, the end may be near. Still not sure how it affects WVU, other than to say the school really has to watch itself closely now and be completely open and compliant with any inquiries. That’s never a bad thing.

But, hey, how about some football? There’s an actual game tomorrow. I’m calling it a dress rehearsal for East Carolina — I just don’t buy this idea WVU hasn’t taken any time away from Liberty preparations to get an early look at or start on ECU. Watching the games I watched last night, you really can understand why some teams are hesitant to play competitive games the first week. Oregon was a Pac-10 possibility this year. I don’t think anyone believes that now and all because their first effort was a miserable one. It is, as Oll Stewart said this week, about making a first impression and determining what your roll will be in it.

This should be an easy one for WVU and you’ll be referring to your program and counting freshmen by the third quarter. Big points, I think, so something like 38-14 sounds about right for a game that’s more ceremonial than competitive.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, be careful how you identify yourself.

Dave said:

Is there anyway to compare what you saw last year in camp with this year? I know there are variables and it won’t really be determined until they’re up against an opponent but do they seem to be (as of your latest observation) improved? We have a defense with experience now and while the o-line is young, the coaches should have their interaction and commaraderie (sp?) together by now, which should help.

What do you see as the greatest strength (focus on the d getting off the field on 3rd down, the o-backs, the receivers?)?

What concerns you the most (o-line, kicking game)?

Do you think we’ve improved on the dreadful kick coverage?

I know these are prognostications, but I’d be interested in hearing it from you, who’s seen and talked to many involved.

Thank you.

For starters, it’s easy to notice the team is further ahead this year, though that only makes sense. There’s continuity on the coaching staff — every other Big East team lost one or both coordinators, WVU has the entire staff back — so there was no wasted time getting on the same page or introducing concepts. They simply turned the page and kept on going. That matters. As far as personnel, there are a lot of veterans in key spots, so they learned quicker and retained better this year. That matters, too. Obvious strength is the defense, but I suspect they’re going to be very careful with the ball and very good with possession. Measured passing game, good hands on the ball, stuff like that. Weaknesses would be the kicking game (hold your breath on field goals beyond 42 or so yards) and the offensive line … but give both some time. Everyone’s down on those two aspects because of inexperience, which is a Catch 22. As for kick coverage, no one knows yet. It’s hard to practice it in camp and Liberty isn’t going to have the athletes to get a accurate assessment. That said, it has to be better, right?

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First things first today

(Three posts today. The Feedback will come later. I’ve been busier than I expected this week, a reality King Richard of Ann Arbor did not help in the least.) 

overtheSEC said:

You’ll have to swing by the Elks lodge and update the out of towners of their current message/prediction. They were posting in 140 characters or less before it was cool.

I did my part to try to save the globe yesterday by dropping off recycling. Funny thing is the traffic was so bad I’m sure the emissions from my crossover were far more dangerous than whatever good I did recycling Diet Dr. K cans and Piggly Wiggly water bottles … and you don’t think for a second that’s what’s in my recycler, do you? Shame on you.

Anyhow, I took a short cut to get to the Glenmark Center — right off Don Nehlen Drive on to Northwestern Avenue, right onto Chestnut Ridge Road. Luckily, I had my camera with me because said Elks Lodge was on my right on CRR.

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Devine comedy

Three emailers today presumably watched this clip and felt compelled to comment in agreement on what we’ve talked about in the past — a much more relaxed and adjusted Noel Devine and how that bodes well for the season that begins in less than two days now.

Add humorous to the list of Devine’s superlatives, as well, as he discusses his past interaction with Liberty’s massive Asa Champan.

“When I came up on my visit, he was up here on his visit and it was snowing. He pushed us out of the snow. It was me, Pat (Lazear) and a couple other recruits. He pushed the truck out himself and there was snow on the ground. He’s a pretty big kid.”

And you were worried!

Fear not. Kige Ramsey speaks and I listen. Pitt, the preseason favorite according to the Big East media, will finish No. 6. As for the champion


Total touches Saturday for Tavon Austin: Line opens at 7.5.

“Tavon will play,” Stewart said.

It’ll be interesting to see where, when and how. The freshman from Baltimore played running back and slot receiver in summer camp. He caught the ball a lot as a running back and ran it frequently as a receiver. Austin also returned kickoffs and punts, a task for which he seems to possess a unique gift.

“Something exciting happens whenever he has the ball,” said running back Noel Devine, who is something of an expert on the topic.

However, Austin isn’t one of the two options for punt or kickoff returns and isn’t listed as one of the three running backs on the depth chart. He is a backup to Jock Sanders at one of the two slot receiver positions, but Stewart said Sanders should start Saturday, although Austin will if Sanders underperforms in practice this week.

WVU, meanwhile, is a 32-point favorite … if that sort of thing interests you.

Truck: No contest

Bryant remains indefinitely suspended, but is now clear of legal trouble associated with one crazy summer behind the wheel.

Bryant pleaded no contest Tuesday in Monongalia County Magistrate Court to leaving the scene of a July 4 accident and failing to give information and render aid. Two other charges were dismissed. Bryant was fined $200 plus court costs.

Twit fight!

Score Round One 10-8 to Ball State offensive line coach Jason Eck.

Eck, who’s in his first season as Ball State’s offensive line coach, updated his followers on Sunday with a tweet that read, “Players off today ………….. unlike Michigan.”

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The decorated high school All-American from Parkersburg High has heard the low expectations enough that he’s now had enough. WVU’s sophomore left guard believes WVU’s offensive line will be quite good, thank you.

The Mountaineers will begin the season without four players who were together for most of the previous two or three years. That, of course, is a concern and it didn’t really go away during spring and summer practice when WVU made changes all the way through the end of camp and never looked as good as Jenkins prophesizes.

For that, he’d like to explain a few things.

“When you go against the same defense every day, they start to know what you’re going to do,” he said. “You’re in camp, sometimes practicing twice a day, and your legs get tired. You don’t have as much recovery time and the whole situation takes a toll on you.

“When you get a chance to recover and get fresh legs and go against an opponent that doesn’t know you and doesn’t know the calls, you have the edge again.”

Jock will play Saturday

Not really a surprise, but Bill Stewart said the playmaker will make plays Saturday, likely as a starter.

“I’ve thought about this for a long, long time,” Stewart said. “I’ve taken that young man to the woodshed so often, as my daddy used to take me and I’m sure (your dads took) some of you. But he’s been through the grinder and he’s done everything we asked him to do. I just thought I’d throw that out there on Jock’s behalf. He’ll be available after the game to talk to you.”

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