The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

G’morning … I’m just the messenger

How’s your Tuesday? Good? That’s nice to hear.

Say, did you know Richard H. “Scooter” Berry was arrested? Oh, and remember that Mountaineer Madness thing when the WVU students were really creative with ways to impress Adreian Payne? Turns out a few NCAA rules might have been broken along the way.

“It’s currently under review,” said Patrick Hairston, WVU’s Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance. “There are no violations that we are aware of at this point in time.”

WVU contacted the Big East’s compliance office Monday to ask for assistance.

“We will work with the institution and take a look at the full set of facts and make a determination whether any violations occurred,” Big East assistant commissioner for compliance Jennifer Condaras said.

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I hate this story

Obviously, you’d wish it never happened, but it has and everyone must deal with the passing of Jasper Howard in their own way. I’m not going to get into it here because I can’t do it any justice and, frankly, my thoughts are no different or more special than anyone else’s. Just a terribly sad and needless story and shame on the person responsible for doing this and not stepping forward. It’s just a matter of time until you’re found and served what’s deserved.

UConn will wear helmet stickers with Howard’s initials Saturday. Bill Stewart, who has done everything he possibly can to stay out of UConn’s way and allow that school to take the time and steps needed to properly handle the situation, will announce WVU’s tribute tomorrow afternoon.

Best wishes to Howard’s family and to all of the UConn family.

Big East poll later on a busy day. Thanks.

Texts from Marshall Game Day

Let there be no doubt: It never disappoints.

What’s that? The Coal Bowl? Clearly not. With the exception of the 1997 and 2007 games, the entire rivalry has been fit for storage in the deep recesses of your memory. This one didn’t provide too much to remember.

Geno Smith looks capable — I enjoy his attitude; check his first quote given after the assembled media had disassembled — and WVU continues to evolve defensively. Oh, and we have a tinge of controversy emanating from the hit on J.B. All in all, another ho-hummer that didn’t live up to the hype … and it wasn’t even hyped that much.

What never disappoints, though, are the texts from game day. Again, an accurate illustration of the game and its peaks and valleys in 160 characters or less. There were some lengthy gaps between texts, especially in the first half, but I figured that was because many struggle to text while drinking heavily or chewing on fingernails. There were some anxious moments, but they cleared up and the texts flowed freely and happily. Great work, once again.

Behold, the joy of texts! My edits are in [brackets].

(2:43 PM): Every year when wvu plays Marshall, there’s some [dope] in a suit with a mustache that serves as the sideline reporter…

(3:12 PM): Bobby pruitt just rolled pasr me on a golf cart. I saluted him properly. 

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Bill Stewart did not get a good look during the game Saturday of the hit that briefly knocked Jarrett Brown unconscious. Stewart got a good look — and likely quite a few times — early Sunday morning during film review of the 24-7 victory.

Bill Stewart: "Let me plead the the fifth on that. Let me not answer that. You know what that means? It's something that's going to be discussed in other venues. But I'm glad you asked me about that. Now the point's been made."
Bill Stewart: "Let me plead the the fifth on that. Let me not answer that. You know what that means? It's something that's going to be discussed in other venues. But I'm glad you asked me about that. Now the point's been made."
Update: J.B. has tweeted!
I’m ok! My concussion was minor. Ha I still remember everything but the hit. Damn they couldve called a helmet to helmet or something!

Jay Jacobs is a drag


That’s the golden-throated silver fox who dressed like a curvy co-ed so that he might be picked from the student section to participate in the free-throw shooting contest last night. He lost — and so much more than a contest. A mad man, yes, but  Christina Hendricks, he is not.

Winners last night? John Flowers and the black unis.


We were told these are for special occasions. I just hope Wells keeps the weird sock thing going all year.

How about some dunks?

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Credit to the Mountaineer Maniacs, who must have done their founder proud last night. Perhaps weary from being called out by the head coach the past two years, WVU’s student section was at its very best last night for Mountaineer Madness.

Somehow, Bob Huggins was able to get Adreian Payne, only one of the best high school players in America, on campus for an official visit last night. This wasn’t a real secret, but rather a tremendous coup. Everyone had their version of Madness last night and Payne is a coveted prospect. WVU got him for the weekend. I left last night with the feeling if Payne went elsewhere, it was not fault of the Mountaineers. Or their maniacs.

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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which is delayed today because my Motorola Q9C was on the blink and needed to be fixed — an interminable process that requires finding and installing Micrsoft Outlook, backing up the cell onto a computer with Outlook, wiping the cell clean and then synchronizing the Outlook backup with the empty phone.

I wasn’t in a rush to do it, despite the fact I can’t see what I type or receive as text messages and any function is frustratingly slow, but I was neverthless compelled when someone asked me last night, “What about texts from the game?”

So there you have it. Sorry for the delay. Better to apologize for that than for the absence of the most popular text-based feature found on a WVU sports newspaper blog.

Busy weekend for the blog, what with the texts from Saturdays game and also tonight’s Midnight Mountaineer Madness. Photos and videos should be up either later tonight or early tomorrow. If you’re not going, that’s cool because I’ll have somewhere to sit. If you’re not sure, I can give you 10 reasons to attend.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, don’t be a dope.

Patchy said:

Mike I don’t know where you were when you heard the remark but I fear that you may have contracted Herditis.

This is a geographically localized disorder found along the I-64 corridor. Individuals spending too much time in this region show a marked tendency to overemphasize the little green schoolhouse in Huntington and find themselves believing that their football team poses any sort of threat even in the face of overwhelming historical and current evidence to the contrary.

Another complication is for the affected individual to believe that Marshall has any sort of leverage when it comes to negotiations for extending the shotgun marriage known as the Coal Bowl and/or altering its game-site provisions.

I know that are probably in Morgantown more than you are in Charleston but you still may be a carrier.

WVU’s winning margin will be dictated by three things:
1) Weather
2) The amount of time the starters are left in and/or their health throughout the contest
3) Stewart’s good nature vs. his desire to ‘make a statement’

If all of the above break in the direction of WVU scoring heaps of points then the margin will be 14 pts minimum but more likely 20 or more.

Yikes, I almost forgot to mention that game tomorrow. This is a good point to start, though. I think we need more tension and hostility with this series. We need accusations of “Herditis” and other mud-slinging. I’m so tired of the “Is this a rivalry?” question because the answers are so generic and polite. I really wish some WVU player would say, even anonymously to me, “Um, rivalry? Are you serious? We’re 9-0 all-time … and, yeah, I know it’s 8-0, but I’m just assuming a gold jersey and white pants will be enough to win Saturday.” Or something like that. And then down at Marshall one might say, “Yeah, I did see that quote. Here’s my reply: 13-9. Screw you. Rivalry. See you Saturday.” And then it’s on! We need a reason to care more than passively about this game. What we have is two sides with a genuine respect for one another and a desire to win not because of some rivalry, but because the opponent is formidable. Yawn. If nothing else, the future of the series has generated a palpable feistiness that can be developed into some hostility if managed properly — ie, irresponsibly — over time.  

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Make the call

I was at a function last night and I heard someone say the team Marshall brings to town this weekend is the worst one yet and WVU has no business not beating the  Thundering Herd by three touchdowns. “At least,” the person said.

I was eating a soft pretzel, so an ugly scene was perhaps avoided, but I remain stunned.

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Toiling in Division III, displaying apparent maturity, hobbled by a bad ankle, uncertain he can afford tuition next year, Mr. Sliced Bread Jason Gwaltney is preparing for life after football.

If there is no more football in his future, he will not lament over what could have been.

He is thinking about becoming a policeman. He wants to take the academy test, either for Long Island or New York City.

“I know in the next couple of months I have to make a decision financially,” he said. “Can I come back to school? If I can’t, then I have to go for my training.”

Ms. Andrews has been on the sideline for her regular duty this season after a sadly irregular offseason and is only now beginning to talk about things, the way they were and the way they one day might be.

One of her reflections this week as she prepares to head home to Tampa, Fla., for tonight’s Cincinnati-South Florida game was of the “mass confusion” on the WVU sideline last year at Colorado

“There were things on the sideline that I saw,” she said. “I didn’t call out certain people. I told [West Virginia] Coach [Bill] Stewart I wasn’t trying to hurt the program. There were things going on with clock management and with communication with the quarterback. I think he appreciated me being honest. He’s great to me. I think he appreciates my honesty.

“The great part about college football is it’s like Christmas every week. You don’t know what you’re going to get every week. It’s like what’s going to happen this weekend? No one knows.”