The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Bill Stewart reviews the Gator Bowl

Let’s begin to dissect the Gator Bowl defeat by taking a glance at Bill Stewart’s postgame press conference.

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A cause for fireworks


I think this sky show was for the new year last night at The Landing, but for me, hey, we’re going to play this game now! It’s the farewell for pugilistic Coach Bobby Bowden.

“You know, I guess I’m like all older folks, just like the older boxers who think you’ve got one more fight,” Bowden said. “You think, ‘If I got it one more time, I could do it.’ That’s kind of the way I always felt, yet it didn’t happen. It didn’t happen last year. It didn’t happen this year.”

Quarterback E.J. Manuel will make his fourth career start for the Seminoles — true story: When I got to FSU practice the other day, I was looking for Manuel and saw him, but thought, ‘Nah, that guy’s a tight end or a linebacker … wait, No. 3? Really?’ — and WVU will try not to make a mess of punts and kickoff against one of the nation’s very best. Boots Randolph is queued up, I’m sure.

In the meantime, Happy New Year. Good luck juggling your WVU events today. Huge game in West Lafeyette, Ind.

Requisite basketball post

I think we can agree on one thing regarding WVU basketball: Bob Huggins has everyone’s attention.

He has his episode on his radio show. The Coliseum sells out with the attendance population hit by the Gator Bowl, the holidays and the students out of town. And, of course, it was a pretty exciting game. That never hurts. There was some pretty good coverage of the game, too. Almost exhaustive. SO it’s a win-win-win, I’d say.

I’d also say he’s got his team’s ear, too.

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Billy Smith has your back

billy smith

Billy Smith, bodyguard, septuagenarian, treasure.

Smith was inducted into FSU’s hall of fame in 2006. He hasn’t spoken with Bowden’s successor, Clarksburg native Jimbo Fisher, about staying. Money won’t be an issue. In 1964, then-Seminoles Coach Bill Peterson asked Smith if he’d like to be the protector. Peterson, Smith and the governor agreed to a salary of $0. Smith jokes he inserted a clause that’s doubled his pay every year since.

Once, many, many years ago, Bowden received a death threat. Smith made a phone call and had 132 South Carolina law enforcement agents prepared to help protect his guy.

“I’ll never forget that,” Bowden said. “It looked like there were 1,000 of them how they lined up like that. I asked Billy what all those guys were doing there and he said they were making sure we got to the bus, but I never realized how serious it was until then. It’s nice to know you’ve got somebody like that watching out for you.”

A contender among defensive linemen

The gentlemen at Smoking Musket are doing a fun little “Poll of the Decade” deal in which visitors pick the best player at a position from these past 10 seasons. There are some interesting debates in there — running back especially — but I’m very intrigued by the vote along the defensive line.

Do not trick Noel Devine

Maybe the uneventful nature of this bowl gathering is starting to get to us. Noel was discussing his trouble getting tickets for the 20 or so family members he says will attend the game, including his grandmother, who has never seen him play live in college.

It’s a tricky process to procure leftover tickets allotted to teammates, especially for a game in Florida when so many players are from the state and trying to get their hands on extras of their own.

I asked, no doubt stupidly, about the situation.

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WVU is ready to rumble

Literally, in fact, as fisticuffs erupted Sunday.

No one would name names and the dust-up was said to be minor. Stewart was almost accepting of the behavior.

“It was good,” he said. “It didn’t get out of hand. The players all took care of it. I’m not going to jump in there – they’re too big for me. So the players all took care of it and laughed and high-fived each other. It got interesting, but it was good. It was a good, typical blue-collar West Virginia work day.”

Sorry, can’t do it

(Update: Transcript in the comments. Developing …)

So on Bob Huggins’ talk show Monday night Jay Jacobs asked Huggins about the media. The media.

And after Jay, who I do really like, teed one up for Huggins, Huggins predictably knocked it out of the park for what certainly appeared to be a prearranged hit on the way the sixth-ranked team in the country is covered nationally, statewide and especially locally.

I guess we have to do this now.

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The ballad of Bobby and Buzz

It’s on! Oh, WVU v. Marquette might not seem like much of a rivalry. They’ve played only four times — and just once a year — since the Warriors entered the Big East for the 2005-06 season. The games just haven’t been close and if you’re a WVU fan you might say only one is memorable — and, really, who can forget the ridiculous shooting in 2006?

But last year’s game should not be forgotten.

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This is Florida, right?

The high temperature for the week, I’m told, will be 59 degrees this afternoon. I find this disturbing and I am not alone.

Chris Neild thought it’d be much warmer and brought with him one hooded sweatshirt. Many of his WVU teammates are without coats and will bundle up underneath jackets. Some plan to stay inside as much as possible. You wouldn’t believe the number of Mountaineers who practiced in sweatshirts, sweatpants and sweatsuits Monday.

We’re in Florida and there are palm trees and beaches all around us. This just doesn’t feel quite like Florida — and, no, I do not expect your sympathy. Feel for Jarrett Brown, though.

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