The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

I’d hate to be the poor guy up front


You are looking live at the Sun Dome in Tampa, Fla.

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A cause I can get behind

You know Cotton Eye Joe. I can’t stand the guy and, by now, I’m sure it’s mutual. I actually wrote a column once and took the guy apart. He’s fictitious, mind you, but it had to be done. He promptly disappeared for a while — and some actually thanked me — before reappearing a few years later. Stronger than ever.

Every time that song plays now, and especially at the Coliseum, people I know turn to me or text me and laugh. And laugh. The song drives me crazy. I’m three or four more renditions away from developing a tick … and I know I’ll hear it three or four hundred more times.

The thing about Joe is he’s unstoppable. Enough people love this guy that he just won’t go away. We’d need something strong and momentous to make a change.

Lo and behold, hope!

Do you hate Cotton-Eyed Joe as much as I do? Do you think it portrays the crowd at WVU games in a negative light? Perhaps you think it’s just the stupidest song of all time. If you hate a calm crowd that turns into a rabid, banjo playing, knee slapping HOT MESS… please join this group. Tell your friends. Tell everyone you know. Invite everyone you know. This song has to be stopped… for the sake of all WVU fans worldwide.

///doesn’t slap knee so as to not be called a hot mess

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Goodnight, Sweet Prince


Sad to see him go, too. Meanwhile, somewhere Lonnie Galloway grabs his cell phone and looks up the number of a Volunteer commit from Georgia.

Off to Tampa for the day, where I think I’ll fit in quite nicely, thank you. A departed football coach is lawyering up — Omen? Spellcheck accepts the word “lawyering” — and I’m going to guess mud gets slung here.  Feels like old times!

There’s also a basketball game tomorrow night in which the Mountaineers hope to answer questions that have been asked of them quite often.

In the meantime, here’s an open post for the news and your thoughts that carry the day — brought to you by Great Americans.

OK, OK, OK … free throws

Rarely do I leave a game and say, “Man, the officiating was terrible.” Oh, it’ s happened. There have been a couple of outwardly awful crews and games and some dubious calls and no-calls. More often than not, though, I find the officiating to be fairly even, which is all you can ask for really. It might stink, but if it stinks consistently, that really has to qualify as acceptable.

Transition now to WVU v. ND and the 24-4 edge the Irish had in free throws. Harangody disdain aside — I saw the flops and one happened literally right in front of me … not sure what I can tell you — I thought it was acceptable.

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It starts like this

roopoo said:

Reports are that Devine and Sanders will be back. We shall see and I won’t breath easier until the deadline comes and goes!

I’ve read said reports and I’ve talked to some people and the consensus is this:


There was a team meeting last night and I am told by a few different people both Noel and Jock — as well as everyone who would be of significance to next year’s team  — were in attendance. I’m not delivering some urgent news to you. It merely coorborates what I’m seeing and hearing everywhere else.

What does that mean? Not a lot. Honestly, it doesn’t. It’s a good sign, but really doesn’t mean much more than Pat Eger or Curtis Feigt showing up for the meeting. At least that’s the impression I was left with after a few phone calls last night. As I understand things, there have been no sit-downs between players and Stewart about NFL futures. That’ll have to wait a few more days until Stewart returns from the AFCA convention. (3:10 p.m. update: Was just told there was a change of plans and Stewart didn’t go to the convention because of weather. My bad. Apparently assistants are in attendance, though.)

Granted, the time and the sit-downs might not stop anyone from making up his mind to stay or go, but you probably won’t see anything from WVU about decisions for a few more days.

Prepare yourself for some “I saw Noel in class today!” news as well and prepare yourself to digest that similarly. 

To say anything is definite yet is a little — just a little — premature. If you want to/have to exit with a hunch, lean toward the positive. There would be a different message if players weren’t at the meeting or in class.

How did THAT happen?

I’m talking about Saturday night, but am I referring to the first half or the second?

Hard to say. Let’s get into both.

For starters, the defense that seemed to be maybe an anomaly earlier probably isn’t. Credit Notre Dame for shooting so well — I can’t remember witnessing anything like that except maybe the 2005 Elite Eight game against Louisville — but ask Joe Mazzulla how he feels about that.

“Not to take credit from them, but they had I don’t know how many transition baskets,” Mazzulla said. “And it’s not like the rest of their shots were contested. We were that bad.”

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Touchdown Jesus invites you to an open post


Basketball game at 8 p.m. on ESPNU from snowy, chilly, picturesque South Bend.

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Barry Brunetti, it appears, is busy recruiting.

The first of which – Cleveland athlete Latwan Anderson – has apparently listened to what Brunetti had to say. On Friday evening, Brunetti told that he expects a public commitment from Anderson on Saturday, but believes the coaching staff at WVU is already aware of said commitment