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Only because Stewart said it …

.. I’ll touch upon the retirement rumor. From his conference call today:

“First and foremost, let me begin by saying the reports of my retirement are greatly exaggerated. In fact, you heard it directly from me, Bill Stewart. Here we go: No. 1: I have absolutely no intention of walking away. No 2: I am not focusing on retirement. And No. 3, and lastly, most importantly: I am focusing on Rutgers. Now, let’s get to the relevant stuff.”

Texts from the Backyard Brawl

That sound you just heard was a whistle blowing in Hartford and a flag hitting the turf in Tampa. I don’t want to say UConn has anything to worry about as far as objectivity is concerned for its next two games against Cincinnati and at USF… but Robert Sands and Chris Neild and some others who were involved in a certain play in a certain Ohio city last year may disagree. 

I can hardly believe I’m typing this — not because I saw what I saw Friday at Heinz Field, but because I really did not anticipate this the night before Halloween — but right now it is in the best interest of the Big East to have WVU as its champion.

Let that sink in.

WVU will travel far, far better than UConn and, quite likely, if the past month is any measure, but just as competitive, but better suited for a win with its defense and a snake-in-the-grass offense. What that means is WVU must beat a very suspect Rutgers while UConn must lose one of its final two games.

In back-to-back years now, Bill Stewart has his signature win against his biggest rival. I don’t think coaches are fired — or retained, for that matter — because of one game. There are exceptions, but mostly it’s more of a body of work. For that, I do believe this was big for Billy. I said it the night of the UConn game and it’s worth repeating now:

– For a long time, WVU was able to thump its chest about a few things: It had a premier Big East program, it operated cleanly and without breaking any rules, it dominated rival Marshall and could be counted on, basically every year, to beat Syracuse, UConn and Rutgers, which went a long way toward establishing and sustaining a high profile in eastern football. A lot of that has come down this year. WVU will share last place in the Big East during its open week. It could be alone in last place when it plays next. The NCAA case is going to make news again soon. WVU was fortunate to beat a terrible Marshall team and has in consecutive weeks lost to Syracuse for the first time since 2001 and to UConn for the first time ever.

Suppose WVU lost to Pitt Friday. Then what? You would add to that sentence and probably draw some serious conclusions. That said, it did not happen. The Mountaineers aren’t losing to Rutgers — and if they do, don’t throw it back in my face. My point is damage control has been performed and has been successful. To that, WVU has been a different and very good team since its back-to-back losses. The win against Pitt was a thorough culmination of what the Mountaineers believe is a return to form. (The offensive line was very good. Must be said. Protected quite well.)

The defense remains unbelievable, but the offense has been clean and efficient and, consequently, effective. Blew up Cincinnati, tailored its plan for Louisville’s blitzes to mixed results and then played deliberate option football wth calculated passes against Pitt’s four-man rush. It’s worked and WVU now becomes very big fans of Cincinnati and USF. If one of them comes through and WVU beats Rutgers, it’s a Big East title and a BCS bid.

Let that sink in.

Till I collapse I’m spilling these texts as long as you feel them, till the day that I drop you’ll never say that I’m not killing them. My edits are in [brackets].

(11:44 AM):

(11:45 AM):
I think my backyard is in better condition than Heinz Field today. Sheesh.

(11:47 AM):
At what point to the Heinz Field people revaluate their field?

(11:52 AM):
Re: TI. At Pitt, rule is “stop stach-in’ “

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Sandlot football!

(Update: Story with quotes!)

9:35 am: You are looking sort of live at the beaten blend of Kentucky Bluegrass at Heinz Field. Groundskeepers just spent 10 or so minutes pacing, stamping and poking at the field, especially the home half of the field. Wonder why …


So that’s the half of the field — and really, that’s field goal range — going into the closed end zone. Drive the other way and you’re headed toward the open end of the stadium. So much for the advantages of field position. Please believe the kicking game will be a variable today.

WVU KICKER Tyler Bitancurt has never kicked at Heinz Field, but the sophomore is prepared for “one of the worst” kicking conditions he’s encountered.

“I know what to expect,” he said. “The field is not going to be on my side.”

9:55 am: Note from Marlon LeBlanc: No pressure, Billy!

9:59 am: Note from Ron Cook: No pressure, Billy and Dave!

Somebody needs to take a picture of the postgame handshake between Pitt coach Dave Wannstedt and West Virginia’s Bill Stewart today. It should be the last of its kind. Chances are the losing coach will be fired after the season.

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Rock, chalk, Jock talk

Jock Sanders, he of preseason incredulity over the media poll picking Pitt in a landslide to win the Big East, knew what he said then would be a story now. And it is, though not for the “Oh, no he didn’t!” angle you might expect.

Oh, Sanders did it. And he did it with a purpose. He really believed his team would win the league and didn’t agree with the margin in voting.

“People took it the wrong way,” he said. “I’m pretty sure they were offended. I heard they wrote something about it in Pittsburgh, but I wasn’t saying it that way. I was saying with this conference being so balanced, how can you give it to a team that lost to us and Cincinnati?

“That’s where I was coming from. I wasn’t trying to talk down to them. I’m not that type of person. And congrats to them for having the No. 1 spot for now.”

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Decoding Bill Stewart

Bill Stewart gets a lot of grief for the sometimes meandering manner of his press conferences. Sometimes we get confused trying to follow along and sort sense from nonsense. Quite often, there’s a good point lost in translation. 

Fortunately, there’s value in Decoding Bill Stewart. This week, WVU’s head coach is asked about the meaning behind another quizzical comment and Stewart knocks his explanation for “Match the mountains” out of the park.

From Sunday’s postgame press conference

“Let me tell you one last thing, and you Louisville folks, maybe you’ll get the meaning. Here’s what I asked the football team to do. Last night, I told them to match the mountains. That’s all I wanted them to do. Match the mountains. The pageantry, the majesty of West Virginia. Match the mountains.

“We’re very, very blessed. I asked them, I said, ‘Just think about three things with me. Where you are, who you are and where you’re going by being a Mountaineer. That’s all I want you to do. Where you are in life, who you are in life, where you’re going in life.’ And by doing that, if you match the mountains, the pageantry we have – I didn’t invent that. I saw that when I was flying out and I said, ‘Look at these beautiful mountains.’

“That may not mean much to some. It means a lot to this kid right here. Take care and God bless.”

Well, that led to another round of “What the heck was that?” reaction that has followed other notable soundbytes, like the original Quizzical Comment — this remains my personal favorite, not because it introduced Oll Stewart, but because it made pretty good sense — as well as the 2009 Rutgers postgame and so many others the came before last week’s To Kill a Lion speech.

Well, since Tuesday’s press conference was again uneventful we’re delighted and fortunate Oll Stewart appeared on 93.7  in Pittsburgh earlier in the day and was asked about “Match the mountains.”

“Well, it’s — we love the splendor and majesty of these mountains. And all I told the guys was, ‘You know, when you go on the road, you’ve got to take the splendor and the majesty of the state with you.’ That’s all I meant.

“You know, there’s something special about West Virginia. I’m born here, reared here, loved it. I’m very, very privileged to have been born a West Virginian and have grown as a young man as a West Virginian and to me, it’s emotional.

“We went into Louisville, Big East games are very, very hard to win, home or away, most importantly away. And as we were flying out, I just happened to cast my eyes over and I looked at the mountains and I thought, ‘Wow, look at the beauty, look at the splendor, look at the foliage,’ and, I just, I don’t know, it came to me and I said, ‘Man, I just want you to match it. Just the spirit, the splendor, the majesty of the mountains.’

“I thought it’d be something to build on and the guys kind of bought into it and that’s how we had to play at Louisville. It was a really, really tough outing, as you know.”

And breathe. No footnotes. You think about that.

See for yourself right here. Also, token open post tomorrow, no live chat Thursday and no Friday Feedback Friday. Meantime, treat yourself to a hypothetical.

Many of you, and others, felt their eyes bulge when Bill Stewart was speaking of WVU’s defense and stating it needed to produce  more turnovers.

Some felt Stewart was calling out the defense and bringing a negative attention toward the only consistently positive part of the team.

Others were wondering if he was trying to spread the blame as away to take some of it away from him.

Many were just surprised he had the audacity to complain about the defense. To them, it was like whining about a pitcher throwing nine innings in a 4-1 victory, but getting no hits along the way.

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Truck regrets ‘no-show’

WVU went to Puerto Rico pretty sure it was going to be a guard-first, perimeter-oriented transition team. The Mountaineers felt somewhat confident Casey Mitchell had made a valuable personal adaptation, but were curious what to do with the two point guards who were going to have to play well and frequently together.

Didn’t go so well against Minnesota, which had a great advantage in the frontcourt, but won the game because of the play of its backcourt.

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How do you like him now?

A fun and lively debate in the summer was whether Bruce Irvin should be taken seriously. Was he a star in the making or was he a guy who was projected to be good just because he was new and fast and intriguing in that WVU hadn’t had anyone like him in a while?

Well, he has 10 sacks now, which hadn’t been done at WVU since 1998, and he’s taken a simple approach to it all.

“It’s pretty easy,” Irvin said. “They can’t drop back as fast as I can run forward.”

There you have it. But seriously, let’s revisit this topic for a moment because there are different schools of thought.

Only five other players in the country have 10 or more sacks this season and no one in the Big East can best Irvin’s average of 1.0 per game. Clearly, he’s made a difference. Yet I do wonder what people think of him, what he’s done and how it’s happened.

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Two  in a row! Two victories? Well, yes, I suppose that’s true … but after both Bill Stewart has gone all silver-tongued on us and dabbled in feline cardiovascular surgery and, in Saturday’s case, gone off the map with another equally inspirational message about matching the mountains.

Hey, whatever works. A Backyard Brawl with Pitt that figures heavily into the Big East championship picture seemed a distant possibility following the loss to UConn. Now it’s here and, believe it or not, WVU kind of saw this coming.

“We knew what we had to do and we knew we had to win the rest of our games and the Pitt game was going to be a critical game for us,” said safety Robert Sands, who was once committed to the Panthers. “It’s going to be the breaking break point for us toward whether we have a great season or whether we have an OK season.”

Let’s go right up the middle to the texts from Saturday’s game day. If you’ve never been shot or stabbed, Brick City, text, “Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh!” I’ve got to catch a cab back to the lab so I can text. Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh!  My edits are in [brackets].

(11:47 AM):
How bad is it when itxtd friends this morning to meet me at Keglers to watch the game I got replies of &h, [snap]. Forgot about the game.”? I am sad

(12:11 PM):
Our offense has it figured out. . . The trick? Play against a crappy defense.

(12:14 PM):
Great opening drive!

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