The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Noel Devine in a nutshell

Maybe it’s the fact the diminutive dynamo could very nearly fit in a nutshell that conspired with other factors to keep The Mine Mule out of the NFL Draft, but don’t ever underestimate the kid’s will. Conditioned to conquer life and its obstacles from a very young age, No. 7 is sure he’s going to make it and enjoy it, even if it doesn’t look good right now.

That’s the thing with Noel. Yesterday doesn’t matter. Tomorrow holds all the possibilities and he believes anything is possible.

“No calls at all. No conversations, no nothing,” he says. “It’s all good. It will just make it so much better for me in the end. The end is going to be so much better than what it is now.”

Today’s chat transcript

Lots of good stuff today, even though I only hoped to get something remotely entertaining. Mission: Accomplished! Thanks for doing your part … even if it means reading it now for the first time.

Ask Me About WVU Sports …

Post-spring football chat  begins at 11 a.m. If you’re preoccupied and can’t pull yourself away from the telesivion or the computer screen, I totally understand. I nearly forgot about this myself.

Nevertheless, I’ll be in the captain’s chair fielding all questions on the spring at WVU, beer sales, basketball personnel, so on and so forth. Here is your link.

Hey, you! Don’t do that!

WVU football plans to play host to two dozen or so prospects at tonight’s Gold-Blue Game and make, or at least begin to make, a significant haul toward the 2012 class. WVU basketball is looking for a splash as well when 6-foot-10 center Aaric Murray makes his way to campus along with some other already signed members of the 2011 class Murray may eventually join.

Those unsigned players should be in attendance at the game and, if so, you can see them with your own eyes and … well, that’s about it.

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Friday’s festivities

For starters, there will be no Friday Feedback. I’m extending the impressive and improbable streak of not covering the spring game to a relatively Ripkenesque fourth consecutive year and I have to hit the road early.

Never fear: Jack Bogaczyk will be on the scene and, as my consolation, I’ll have a special post-spring chat at 11 a.m. Monday to finalize the season.

Given the fact a lot of you will be at the game and many more will be following the live stream — May I recommend these guys? — I’m curious what you think about this idea: Texts from Spring Game Day?

Yay or nay?

As for the day itself, it presents plenty of possibilities.

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By now everyone’s gotten a look at or a read on Josh Francis. Certainly, he’s been one of the better players on WVU’s defense this spring, especially early, though that he’s maintained a productive level cannot be ignored. He’s been talked about a ton, too, and that makes a lot of sense on a lot of levels. He’s new. He’s alarmingly fast at linebacker. He’s the junior college All-American. He’s always placed in the shadow of the other junior college guy, Bruce Irvin. He may be really good, too.

And so after 14 practices and aware the 15th — that all-important Gold-Blue Game Friday — won’t change much of what’s already been done, Francis was asked what he’s done and how he’s done it.

The answer was hidden in his reply.

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In case you’re interested …

Aaric Murray, I’m told, is visiting WVU this weekend. Part of the visit will include Friday’s Gold-Blue Game … so be careful what you say and do if you’re in attendance. Murray cancelled a visit to Kansas last week, but could still take the trip before he makes a decision, which he tweets will come May 7.

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American humorist Robert J. Hertzel has, um, poured over the history of the written word and serves an impregnable defense of WVU selling beer at football games. His style is impetuous, his attitude is ferocious, too.

What you know of Darwin Cook thus far may be limited. He is, after all, a redshirt sophomore who played just sparingly last season, but has this spring introduced himself on a more formal and more frequent basis as the guy looking to replace Sidney Glover at the bandit/boundary safety spot who just so happens to light up offensive players.

In short, he’s a lot like Glover, who he followed and studied these past two years. It looks like he’ll have a chance to start in the fall and unleash his combination of fast and furious football that is required of that position.

Not bad for a 5-foot-11, 180-pound defensive end in high school.

“I was better than Bruce Irvin. Way better,” Cook said. “When I’d get a sack they’d say ‘Coooook’ instead of ‘Bruuuuuce.'”

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Marlon LeBlanc is a pretty sharp guy

Let’s address the two realities here: Men’s soccer is not a primetime sport at WVU. And here I am, writing about men’s soccer.

There’s a trick to producing popularity and population, which are both treats for one of these fringe sports on the college level. These days it involves, if not demands, having something in your ear, in your face all the time as a reminder of what you think is cool … or what you should think is cool.

Marlon LeBlanc is taking advantage of your senses.

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