The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

If this is the end for William L. Stewart …

Um, how do you really feel?

Former defensive end Larry Ford has taken to Twitter and he doesn’t think much of Bill Stewart. Jarrett Brown preceded all of this, though, and he’s not a fan of Jeff Mullen_.

We wouldnt have this discussion if we had more production from the Offensive coordinator.

Feel free to find and share more. I’m busy …


Bill Stewart’s contract

… well, at least the living document that exists in place of the one, with minor changes, that’s been gathering dust and coffee cup rings for a while now, is right here. The money Bill is to be paid, if “terminated,” is covered in No. 9 — and, specifically, in Nos. 4 and 5 — in the original November document.

It’s Friday morning …

(Read through this: There’s a big item at the end.)

… and I can’t copy and paste or even mimic yesterday’s introduction. We had a totally bizarre shift overnight in which Bill Stewart and his representation, David Hendrickson, parted ways. What prompted that is not yet clear, and may never be. The cause might be innocent and less dramatic than many want to presume — and it is, I believe — but perceptions being what they are, it’s just not a good sign for Stewart.

It appears Stewart already has a new legal top cat — a personal injury specialist, fittingly enough — and both sides are hurrying toward something … and I think we’re all fairly aware of what that is. My most informed take here is everyone knows where this is going and everyone is trying to do what is best for Stewart and his image toward that conclusion.

And at this point, I can’t see a way WVU repairs this and I still wonder if Stewart, absent proof of guilt, would go away either voluntarily or quietly.

Absent facts but soaked by suspicion, the head football coach is right in the middle of this.

For whatever reasons, WVU hasn’t found a way, or the votes, to fire Stewart for nearly seven months now.

Didn’t happen in the fall.

Hasn’t happened this week.

So …

If you believe Stewart guilty of offensive actions and wonder what’s taking so long to see something actionable, just remember that.

Do you think, knowing what Stewart knows about the process undertaken to remove him previously, he would just step aside? Not without a smoking gun to prove his wrongs.

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It’s Thursday morning …

Just so we’re clear here, what’s written in italics was written around 1:45 p.m. after working this throughout the day. I don’t believe anything has happened, but I believe something is beginning to happen toward some end. What’s written below the italics was written around 8:30 a.m.  — and published much later because I was still working it — after early-morning conversations about things that happened and were said to have happened late last night and overnight. Important to remember in things like this that the heavy stuff often happens at night.

( … and business is picking up, I feel. Also, I’ve been informed the buyout is not $1.125 million. It was — 750k for liquidated damages + $375 k for alternative position of employment — but the 750k was to be paid no later than Jan. 31, 2011. I’d have to believe that happened. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to charge my phone, take a nap and slam an energy shot.)

… and we’re really no closer to any resolution, or even any advancement, to this days-old story than we were when it was new. The best information I can relay is WVU is still dug in as it looks for who did and did not say what about Dana Holgorsen. I’ve been told that whatever is “next” is also “last” — barring any surprises.

What’s that mean? You had your beginning of the story, we’re now in a clearly undefined middle, and what happens next will be the conclusion. And understand that’s understood.

If and when one side sits down with another and they present the topic for discussion, that meeting will happen just once. Once.

The end, whatever it is, has to be decisive and perhaps even beyond majority.

Anyone telling you this is done and Bill Stewart is out is not, at this moment, correct. Not based on anything tangible, at least. Could that person be right? Sure, but it’s more of a guess, perhaps even an educated or informed guess, than anything else. I guess it’s like winning Powerball: Were your numbers right? Sure. Did you know that at the time? No.

There has been no verifiable move toward a conclusion. I’m not sure it’s know to what conclusion they’ll eventually move. Trusting people who have been and should be trusted, this is still a fluid and delicate process. There is no play clock, but, of course, the sooner a resolution comes the better it is for everyone involved. I think it matters, too, that the MAC had its last Coaches Caravan last night, if you can believe there was an interest in letting those events happen under happier circumstances for the public which didn’t ask for this cloud to be cast over their moment in the WVU fundraising sun.

For diversionary purposes, could I interest you in the once-unlikely return to WVU of airplane dancing, jersey popping, trash talking, self-labeled PB3 Pat Beilein? That, I can confirm with complete certainty, is happening. Today.

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6/8/11 chat transcript

Tada! We went over 100 minutes and had 1,058 readers and 485 questions submitted. Wish I could have done more but, obviously, my duty is focused elsewhere. Nevertheless, enjoy it again for the first time.

Ask Me About WVU Sports …

When the story needs Jack Bogaczyk, Jack Bogaczyk needs a "small" pizza.

Mr. Bogaczyk is on campus and this pizza came between a meeting with Oliver Luck last night and William L. Stewart this morning and that story continues to continue across all platforms.

So why not talk about it? Ask Me About WVU Sports returns with a very special edition at 11 a.m. today. Here is your link and you can drop your questions in the queue right now. I’ll lay out the ground rules when we begin.

Bill Stewart speaks

Via Twitter, but the silence is broken!

Passed 14,000 followers on twitter today … Thanks for your support and let’s go Mountaineers!!

WVU speaks

Oliver Luck releases a statement … and do with it what you will.

A statement from West Virginia University Director of Athletics Oliver Luck concerning Mountaineer football:

“There have been various reports, much speculation, and rumor around our football program and coaches. But I want to make it clear that I consider these to be personnel matters and while I take them very seriously, I am dealing with them internally and privately – and I will not discuss them publicly.

“What I will say is that our athletic department coaches and staff are clear that their focus is on the program, the team and a successful season.

“My expectations of all our coaches and staff have not wavered; that is to run a clean and honest program with the utmost integrity and professionalism. Anything less is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.”

That was my reply early this morning to the news of the day … and the day was barely half an hour old. Colin Dunlap did indeed go there early in the morning and revealed what a lot of us knew for months now: Bill Stewart, as far back as December, was working against Dana Holgorsen.

The game changed right there. I figured sooner or later WVU was going to arrive at a point of no return and pause and look at the wall and figure out how to get over it. I wonder if WVU arrived there early this morning, or soon thereafter.

And now some thoughts about this story…

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