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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which overheard Iowa State telling some Big 12 people that “Country Roads” isn’t about West Virginia and that “Sweet Caroline” is, in fact, a better song. Oh, and Iowa State said Marshall deserves the 1-for-1 series in football because the Thundering Herd — and I quote — “have earned the right to prove everyone wrong.” I’m serious.

I think this is my favorite part of the summer — you know, apart from the offensive heat, the insect infestation, the power outages and this dawning reality it might actually get worse. But manufacturing a rivalry with Iowa State? I love witnessing this.

West Virginia has managed through the years to move on from and carry on without rivalries, be it Washington & Jefferson or Washington & Lee, Virginia or Richmond, Penn State or Virginia Tech. Losing Pitt is horrible (I still think you see the Panthers again soon, maybe in conjunction with a Maryland series) because that’s actually the rival … and WVU is suddenly running out of rivals.

There’s a lot changing for WVU and it won’t be easy as its teams head to the Big 12, but what seems to have folks must uneasy is the unfamiliarity. Sure, there’s excitement involved, but the return on investment, so to speak, is compromised, diminished, whatever, when you don’t kind of hate the other team. I guess it’s the difference between wanting to win a game and wanting to beat a team — and there is a difference.

Time helps to foster familiarity and tension and look at Louisville as proof. That became a pretty hot contest, really right from the start. There was the triple overtime game in 2005, and the controversy it included, before the top-shelf game a year later. By 2007, people were spitting on other people. Pat White snapped and strutted into the end zone in 2008 and it was on. True, it fizzled, but last year restored some rancor and I wonder if WVU hadn’t made it to the Orange Bowl if WVU wouldn’t want a piece of the Cardinals ASAP.

The point? Who’s to say Louisville can’t be Kansas State or that Iowa State, with PAUL RHOADS, can’t become something like Pitt? If WVU beats Oklahoma, that thing gets rolling. There’s probably going to be a WVU v. TCU angle in which the immediate accomplishments of one are compared to the other.

At least I hope that all of that is possible or true. The schedule is more fun and more anticipated with someone you just don’t like, and remember, too, that Marshall vanishes soon. So, sure, generate the distaste for someone. Send it spinning like a Cyclone.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, pace yourself.

Eric said:

Iowa State students think Morgantown is in Western Virginia.

Also, Cyclones love Brad Nessler. Or is it Bert Nessler?

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Simple question, Bob!

So I put the Big 12’s new commissioner, Bob Bowlsby, on the spot Sunday evening. Seeing as if the occasion was intended to celebrate West Virginia’s arrival in the conference, and knowing Bowlsby was possibly in a position to let a fastball sneak by after partying into the wee hours at the Fort Worth Stockyards for TCU’s welcome rodeo, I asked if it would be good or bad for the Big 12 if the Horned Frogs and/or Mountaineers won a few trophies in 2012-13.

Really, would the Big 12 be seen as smart or as soft if the two new teams were very good from the start? Would quick success anger or inspire the old guard? See where I’m going? He did.

Reply: “It’s a great question.”

I like this guy!

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What the fireworks?!?!

No blog today and no Nesteas, either. Have fun today, take care tonight and see you tomorrow.

The Nine

Last week we learned 10 companies, including the biggest names out there, were preliminarily interested in making a bid for WVU’s Tier 3 rights

Today we can say what was 10 is now officially nine: IMG College, Learfield Sports, CBS Collegiate Sports Properties, Legends Sales and Marketing, Nelligan Sports Marketing, XOS Digital, Front Row Marketing Services, Fox Sports Net and West Virginia Radio Corp.

Front Row Marketing Services and Fox Sports Net are new to the process, in that they were not part of the conference call last month. Comcast/NBC, The Hub Companies and West Virginia Media Holdings were part of that call and have decided not to proceed.

Interesting move by West Virginia Media, which owns West Virginia Illustrated, handles the Dana Holgorsen and Bob Huggins shows and televised the most recent spring game — to great reception with regard to production and finances, I’m told.

Doesn’t mean they’re out because the RFP allows for a larger company to engage a smaller company and certainly WVMH is equipped and familiar enough to do some smaller things for a larger company.

Similarly interesting move by West Virginia Radio Corp. to remain engaged, even though there is a legitimate possibility that group isn’t qualified — which is precisely the purpose of this pre-qualification stage. WVU has until July 17 to notify the applicants, who had to submit their pre-qualification statements by 4 p.m. yesterday, if they’re qualified.

Still, you find that both large and small companies have removed themselves from the process — and that was one of the concerns about the RFP. It requires a lot from the potential bidders.

Good for the Rightful Big East Player of the Year. He has a home, albeit temporarily, sort of a lease-to-own arrangement, in the NBA with the Cleveland Cavaliers. I think he’s earned that much, especially after the events of last week. Draft night was brutal for Jones and his family and those promises either extended to or exaggerated by his agent, or both, were empty in the end.

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More new football enrollees

Seven more players enrolled and in class today at WVU: receivers Devonte Mathis and Isaiah Hayes, running back D.J. Hunt, defensive lineman Christian Brown, offensive lineman Vincent Fusco and cornerbacks Rick Rumph and Nana Kyeremeh.

Hunt, Hayes and Fusco are walk-ons. Missing a few names from the recruiting class, as I’m sure you noticed, but they have time and can enroll for the fall. Roshard Burney, Sam Lebbie, Deontay McManus and Dee Joyner … you’re on the clock.

I was talking to some people during this ceremony last night and our conversations headed in the direction I was planning to write my story for today’s papers. I quipped, I thought, to someone that, “I’m just surprised the Big 12 didn’t cancel the party and bring us all back Tuesday!”


Again, WVU’s road to this occasion was an unusual one, but I don’t think you can really overstate how big a story the Big 12’s rejuvenation is during a very tumultuous time that nearly left the conference for dead. Twice!  Even Bob Bowlsby, who was on the outside looking in and aboard the Pac-10 pirate ship that tried to raid the Big 12, admitted it truly is something else.

“It’s kind of ironic,” he said. “I don’t know that I care to get into talking too much about the details – I obviously have information on both sides and I don’t think it’s appropriate to share – but I think there were a lot of conferences scratching around to find out what’s the right size and I think the Pac-12 was in that situation, too.

“There seemed to be some opportunities with that list of schools and there were certainly some conversations, but beyond that, I’m glad the Big 12 stayed together and that I’m here to work with them and I’m glad the eight remaining members added two quality schools.”

Believe that WVU is, too, for it is a far better life than what would exist in the Big East.

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Jon Kimble gave Bob Bowlsby quite a thrill

I’ll cover this in more depth tomorrow, but for now, here’s a taste of WVU’s event this evening commemorating its entry into the Big 12 Conference. Commissioner Bob Bowlsby was there and talked to players and coaches and administrators, rounded the room to knock out media obligations and then gave a pretty nice speech for the occasion to cap off the formal part of the ceremony.

He was preceded by the above scene, though, and I had to laugh as the new guy seemed a little, um, in awe of the occasion.

There’s no going back now

I say that because this is the Big 12 Conference logo being tattoed to the field today … but also because it occurred to a few people that it might be upside down.

It’s not.

The one on the other 20-yard line near the south end zone and on the opposite side of the field is aligned the same way, which is the same configuration for the Flying WV at midfield. The logos are all supposed to “face” the press box. Like so:

And then there was the great and anticipated unveiling of WVU’s new gray uniforms. What an occasion!

Before we jump to photos of the grays, I’d like to highlight, seated on the right, from left to right, Dave Hickman, Bob Hertzel and Greg Talkington. Appropriately subdued.

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Attended Miss West Virginia pageant. Sold books. Saw archery. Got back to seat a little late after intermission. Missed a group dance number. Later learned I’d missed a competitor fall, which is the sort of thing I was … waiting … for. Caught up with my man RJB. Was told RJB was off to judge a pajama contest at the contestant dormitory. Came home. Ate a salad.

With that in my back pocket, I tap on my shoulders and take a brief timeout. I’ll be back Monday, a year older and wiser.

Sorry for the lack of notice, but I think we overdid the everything-happens-when-I’m-gone thing the last time I left. And I miscalculated when I took the NBA draft off and then just shook my head when Bill Neff told me about the promise from the first-round team.

Anyhow, check out another Kevin Jones story tomorrow about his, shall we say, unusual history with Neff and then a look Friday at WVU’s changed life in the Big 12. Today is your public hearing on the proposed TIF district at University Town Center and I’ll be at the Puskar Center in a while when, I kid you not, the new gray uniforms are available for a photo opportunity.

Bat signal at the ready. I’ll pop in as can. Enjoy the weekend!