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Texts From the Pinstripe Bowl

And I’ll stop. There’s not a lot left to say today that wasn’t said during and then soon after the game … but you all nailed it one last time.

Two more posts later today that wrap things up from the game, but I’ll have Good/Bad Thursday and a word about Mr. Stricherz (Hint: I’m not a fan.).

As for you, I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend. You could cut ties with all the lies that you’ve been living in. And if you do not want to text me again, I would understand. My edits are in [brackets].

I guess its time for me to once again RELAX. Eh, you know how it is.

I’m about to kickoff my own Fight Hunger Bowl.

Nice puff painted shirt, Shamarko Thomas

Why am I nervous? I remember a time when I marked off Syracuse as a definite win!

Would love to see Rinaldi make Marrone cry right now.

Okay, that’s not how you want to begin!

Three and out. Sigh.

Best Bitanpunt ever is when he gets roughed

Yakety Saxacuse!

Hit him in the hand! Improvement!

Bit low

New Era Pinstripe Bowl at Yakety Stadium

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Quote Shannon Dawson, evermore, after the 38-14 loss to Syracuse in the Pinstripe Bowl.


You are looking liven at Yankee Stadium, site of today’s snowy Pinstripe Bowl. That picture was taken right around noon when the snow was just starting to fall.

The one below was taken about twenty minutes later, which is about a half an hour ago.

I just took the below picture at 12:50.

You get the idea, yes? Could things be better for the people covering it? Certainly, but I’ve been conditioned through the years to understand this isn’t about us.

I’m seated in the open-air press box and I have a great view and a pretty nice panorama look at the stadium and the back drop. It’s snowing and I’m covering a football game in December. This game has and will acquire detractors, but this is pretty cool and it’s probably going to make for a good environment, a good game and good television.

Let’s light this candle …

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The guessing game

Both offenses today are throwing darts, in more ways than one. There are the quarterbacks, who spin it pretty sharply for both WVU and Syracuse, and there are the coaches and players who are made to wonder about what the other side is going to offer and have had to do a little guesswork in their preparation.

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WVU, Syracuse both trust their quarterbacks

I’m glad Dana Holgorsen said this: “Syracuse has a great offense. That’s been talked about a lot, but they’re a lot more similar to us than what I remember a year ago.”

I do see some similarities and I contend Syracuse is more of a Big 12 offense than a Big East offense, especially with the shotgun looks, the spread sets and the tempo the Orange like to use, but mostly because Ryan Nassib has the keys and is in control.

And no wonder. Twenty-four touchdowns, nine interceptions, 3,600 yards and a pretty even demeanor have conspired to inspire those around him.

It’s a lot like that at WVU, too, where Geno Smith has the big arm, the big numbers and the big responsibility in the offense. The greatest similarity between these two is how much liberty is given to the quarterback.

Maybe it’s because they’re no longer in the same conference, but it seems to me WVU’s fans, and some of the players, lost sight of Syracuse this season, which made for a really interesting revelation upon learning the bowl assignment.

The Orange are actually a very good offensive football team that — uh oh — passes the ball with a talented quarterback to two accomplished receivers, but can also give it to two backs that power a running game averaging 170 or so yards per game.

The numbers, if you haven’t been paying attention to Syracuse this season, are a little alarming. And a little confusing, too, because the Orange don’t score at a rate level with the other statistics.

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True story: Jeff Braun has replaced Joey Madsen once before and Josh Jenkins was the left guard there to help him out with things. Of course, the quarterback was Jarrett Brown, the leading rusher was Noel Devine and the leading receiver was Jock Sanders.

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On friends and foes

Football in the Big East Conference was good for a weekly Childhood Friends or High School Teammates or Prep Playoff Rivals story. With so many of the Big East’s players growing up in the  Northeast and heading to colleges in the Northeast’s league, it was not uncommon to see  those kids going up against one another in college.

WVU’s Terence Garvin and Syracuse’s Alec Lemon are a prime example of that and they’ve had fun with it this week.

Things are very much the same in the Big 12 Conference, and it actually seems the familiarity is far, far more widespread because so many players come from Texas and one of its roughly 900,000 high schools — give or take.

WVU has been mostly immune to it, though, because the Mountaineers haven’t unfurled their net over the Southwest just yet. There are some players from that area and the Jordan Thompsons on the roster know people at Texas, but it’s not like all the South Florida kids at WVU and USF and Pitt and, well, Syracuse.

That leads us to the best story of the week …

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If you’re feeling up for it, we’ll be dissecting the Pinstripe Bowl at 11 a.m. I hope you can and will join us, which is why I’ve provided your traditional link as well as your your mobile link.

Those are also the links to the transcription for use after the act.

We’ll be talking a lot about the center situation, the quarterback matchup, the state of WVU’s defense and whatever else is on your mind. Meantime, deep breaths. Syracuse won’t try to overwhelm Jeff Braun.

I laughed, by myself and to myself, when I heard the sophomore linebacker say this.

Also, we’ll be chatting at 11 a.m. A live link will be coming later this morning.