The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Your 2013 All-Camp team!

Just to be clear here, I don’t expect to see a depth chart from WVU until next Tuesday. That’s Dana Holgorsen’s first press conference of the season and the first time WVU releases a package of game notes. There’s always a depth chart early on in that packet.

Really, there’s no need to do it before then, not because the Mountaineers are worried about William & Mary, but because they don’t need to do it. And I’m not sure they’re sure about their best 11 on offense and defense, plus their backups, quite yet. I could be wrong, but I don’t see it happening just because we need it.

That said, I’m just as sure WVU knows who its quarterback is. I know it’s not out there for the public yet and I know Dana said last week he’d have it by the end of camp Saturday. I’m confident that happened and I’m equally confident he has neither need nor interest in sharing it. Yet.

But without a depth chart from WVU, how about one from me? I went through notes and interviews and conversations over the weekend and came up with this squad: The players on offense and defense who made the best use of camp.

Not necessarily stars and starters, but the people who came out of camp in a better situation than they were in when they entered it.

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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, now with almost 20 percent of the Twitter followers needed to confidently submit a bid for the WVU athletic department’s multimedia rights.

In case you missed it, Freedom of Information Act requests made earlier last month were finally granted yesterday. All the submissions from both rounds of  bidding were compiled on separate CDs, and while it was mostly standard and repetitive stuff that would occasionally distinguish itself slightly one way or the other, it was nevertheless enlightening.

Really, what have we been reading and talking about for months and months now? You can’t fully answer that because we didn’t have all the answers before yesterday. There were allegations and lawsuits and there was speculation and eventually involvement from the state’s attorney general.

Yet since this was established as an A vs. B conflict a while back, where A is Team Raese and B is Team WVU f/ IMG College and West Virginia Media,  we really only focused on the arguments and the qualifications of those participants. We still didn’t have the information we needed to think and thus speak intelligently about their arguments and qualifications — and you could extend that to the other bidders when they were dragged into the fray — until yesterday.

So now we can put A and B side by side and take a look at part of what actually happened to better understand and explain what’s been happening. And frankly, it’s not a good look for Team Raese.

Prepare for the spin cycle now because people are going to twist the monetary figures, both included and assumed, in a way that serves their side best. That’s fine, and honestly there is something to that, though not enough to bridge the chasm, especially as it relates to the all-important guaranteed revenue.

Here are the two things I think stand out most.

1) WVRC wanted to continue its arrangement and let WVU maintain the revenue from the current Mountaineer Sports Network contracts, which was listed in the first RFP at $5.3 million. That’s not insignificant. And again, many of those are the things WVU came to retain in the second bid, which is, at the minimum, cheeky.

WVRC also mentioned forming relationships with regional television partners to expand its operation, which is ambitious, and there was even a pledge to hire more people to sell ads and to add to the pregame and postgame show. Yet relative to that last part, I can’t help but think that when someone slid that note across the table, Oliver Luck opened it and thought, “… why weren’t you doing this before?”

2) “In both rounds, IMG guaranteed WVU the most revenue.”

That’s that. There was this idea that was released like balloon at a birthday party a while back that suggested IMG wasn’t the highest bidder both times. Its constant presence in a time when WVU couldn’t comment or reveal bids, generated legitimacy.

That balloon popped yesterday.

One more gesture of gratitude, if you’ll allow it: Thanks for spreading the word and tuning in for that extended spot on the radio last night. Apparently it was extraordinarily popular. Stay tuned, please.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, be honest.

Dann White said:

Hey Mike,

A suggestion from the peanut gallery: Many of us use the most recent string’s comment section to discuss the ongoing game, especially if the outcome is in doubt, or the effort is amazing. (think Orange Bowl)
How about a game-day chat, open to registered bloggers, to allow quicker commenting and, for that matter; additional quotable quotes for the Double-F.
It might also be a vehicle for you to pass along an observation or two of interest to your public (us).
If you needed help facilitating such a vehicle, consider me available.
I can’t believe that THE season to be jolly (not Christmas) is almost here….


The game day blog post is something I’m wrestling with before we start the new season. I agree I need to change my delivery and do less play-by-play, to so speak, and add more insight that’s unique to my game day privileges. Done. But what format? The chat is interesting because it invites more interaction than the live blog post, yet I wonder who’s chatting during a game. And I don’t have the time to be interactive in a chat room. Right now, I’m going back and forth between the live blog and the chat. They both have their merits, but I lean toward the live post.

Continue reading…

Video blog: Day 13

Special gift at the end from the IMG College submission … and a special thanks to you for making these so popular and so fun for me to do.

Pulled from the Tier 3 RFPs

The Charleston Daily Mail received today the submissions from both rounds of bidding for the WVU athletic department’s multimedia rights. This video was part of IMG’s submission in the second round.

Conversely, in the first round of bids, a company spoke to its qualifications by in part highlighting  the combined 30,000 followers its personalities had on Twitter.

Dana Holgorsen: Day 13

Lots of news about arrivals, exits, PT for freshmen and a timetable for the quarterback derby. But for real, Joel Filani, what’s up?

There may not be a whole lot to this — indeed, after some hustling, we’ve been told it’s for an initial eligibility issue — but it’s nevertheless interesting to see that WVU has encountered a fairly common obstacle and contracted the guy for help with matters involving the NCAA.

Continue reading…

Lest I forget…

This is happening tomorrow night. The show starts at 8 p.m. on You can listen live and you should because I’ll be on for a while. We’ll talk about 2013 WVU football, WFTF, the potential for Division IV and whatever else comes out of the thin air. There’s even the potential to take calls.

Let’s have fun. You never know what might come of it …

Now that’s an announcement

You’ll remember that Dana Holgorsen stepped away from a question about Rushel Shell at the news conference that started preseason practice Aug. 1. There were some confused looks in the room and some quizzical speculation online about what that possibly could have meant. Yet without an official announcement confirming Shell’s transfer to and enrollment in WVU, Shell was off limits for Holgorsen, I thought. And really, why would Shell show up before the first day of classes Aug. 19?

Well, I think you have your confirmation now.

Bad news: Many players back on defense. The brain trust describes the dilemma that side of the ball faces and seeks to solve in 2013.

“Sometimes,” defensive coordinator Keith Patterson said, “having everyone back is not always a good thing.”

About those Oklahoma drills

Still haven’t seen them yet, which is kind of sad because they’re fun and because there was an interesting anniversary a week ago today.

Other things, to get up to speed …

* IMG College is expanding its reach, slowly but surely, inside WVU’s border and outside of it, and has finally added a Charleston affiliate. All the population centers have been addressed and there are a lot of stations and a lot of people covered by a broadly cast net. This continues to elude WVRC, and it seems as though that could exist in perpetuity, as it seemed previously. We’re even starting to hear about the company’s alternative plans for pregame, in-game and postgame programming, presumably with the old WVRC cast as well as a few swipes of fresh paint.

* JaJuan Seider has a lot of helmets to juggle in his backfield, but that’s not something new to him.