The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Am I the only one who missed this?

I’m working on my column for Thursday’s paper about “I’ve got a contract extension!” Dana Holgorsen and came across this. (It’ll make sense whenever you read it.) Based on the subsequent searching I did upon discovering this, it does seem as though everybody has seen this in one venue or another.

Late to the party, but here with the gin. Neither is unusual.

His counterpart, Justin Fuente, begs to differ. The spring wasn’t great for the Hokies — an “inordinate amount of surgeries” — but they’ll still bring a team to FedEx Field.

“They’ve got half the people telling them that they can’t have success because all the good players are gone, and that’s not true. And then the other half of people are telling them that they’ll have success because they had success last year, and that’s not true either,” Fuente said. “So we’re in a unique situation and our kids have embraced that challenge and worked incredibly hard. We’ll evaluate our progress as we continue to move. I don’t know if it will manifest itself in more or less wins. We try not to look at it in that way. We try to look at it in how are we doing in our accountability? Winning’s kind of a function of doing things the right way on a consistent basis.”