The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

‘He hates to lose any possession.’

As is custom, Mr. Smith has a point. Jevon Carter’s past few games — three out of four? — have been terrific, and as time passes, we seem to understand who has West Virginia’s reins in his hands. I’m not even sure there’s a debate about this now.

It seems the Big 12 coaches agree. Sports Illustrated is doing its pre-tournament anonymous scouting reports, and they see what we see … plus a good bit more about the Mountaineers.

The format, if you’re not familiar.

I started with three of the top leagues—the ACC, the Big 12 and the Big Ten—and spoke with three coaches from each league, including head coaches and assistants. In exchange for their anonymity, I asked them to provide their assessments of the top teams in their respective leagues. If you find that these reports are overly negative, that is my doing, not theirs. We already know these teams are good. I wanted to know their vulnerabilities, because that info can mean the difference between a second-round exit and a trip to the Final Four.

The verdict, if you’re curious.