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Name that team!

Not that we’re keeping score, but how many times has Bob Huggins followed a West Virginia win or loss and said something to the effect of, “I had the wrong players on the floor.” It wasn’t a tactical error — not intentionally at least. It was regret. He didn’t say it Monday night, but I think it’s fair to assume the team that was on the floor was not the perfect combination of players.

I also think it’s fair to assume some of the remaining games in regular-season and postseason play will feature finishes that will ask what some games have already asked of the Mountaineers. Let’s discuss this, because we’re likely going to need it later in the schedule. Close game, two or three minutes to go. Huggins has his team on the floor. Who are your five? I think two spots are locks, nevermind trouble with inbound passes Monday, but I think you can weigh variables about the other three and come out with different combinations.