The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Check out that backdrop!

Funny thing about Tuesday night’s postgame: I don’t think West Virginia’s players or coaches were nearly as excited as everyone else was on the floor or in the postgame debriefing — and I include the media in that conversation. You can expect and perhaps even accept this, but some reporters get or still get pumped about covering a game like that. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little more attuned to what I wrote that night. I really don’t want to become the sort of person whose needle doesn’t move after witnessing an event like that.

Those are the Refrigerator Stories, which I guess now are the cc: stories. You use to cut them put and slap a magnet on the Maytag. Now you forward links to your friends and family members. Six of his. Half-a-dozen of that. 

Anyhow, in the search for color and anecdotes, you’d hear a few people ask the players, “What was the locker room like?” That’s a staple. The response? Mostly shoulder shrugs and mentions of Texas and not of Baylor. Where you expected jumping and shouting you instead found players seated around their leader and quietly acknowledging his words with, “Yes, sir.”