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News? Not a whole lot. You may or may not know about this, and you may not care, but the media operation is a bit different this year. WVU practiced Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The head coach was available the first day, and then there was a day for pre-selected players and the coordinator on defense and then on offense. There was practice today, but it was shuttered. On the other days, you were welcome to watch the first 30 minutes of practice, but you could not take photos or videos or report on what you saw. Stretching and the like was open season.

So, yes, there have been but whispers about what the Mountaineers have been up to, and anything anyone has been saying seems to echo everything everyone was saying last week.

The news that exists for WVU is indeed good news. No players are ineligible for the game, and according to Dana Holgorsen, the team GPA is the best its been in his tenure.

The story is not the same with Miami.

Seven players were suspended for the game, and though the explanations are not entirely clear, seven is greater than none.

“It’s just for the game,’’ Richt said. “Just getting guys to do things right. There might have been one guy who absolutely had to [be suspended] by some type of a policy, but it’s more so me sending a message to guys just saying, ‘Tighten up. Do things right.’ A lot of it is little things. It’s a message to them and to the other guys that we’re going to do things right around here. It’ll be a one-game deal.’’

Richt indicated he was generally pleased with the team regarding discipline, but said there can be more of a problem “if you don’t discipline them.’’

“The thing they like the most is playing and also going to a bowl game,” he said. “If you don’t go to the bowl game, you don’t receive bowl gifts. You lose out on a lot.

“Sometimes you have to take away from them what they like the most to send a message. I’ve been coaching long enough to know that any given morning anything can happen — and probably will. You’re dealing with 100 or so 18- to 22-year-old guys. Their frontal lobes aren’t fully developed at this point. They tend to do first and think later.

“I’ve had a lot of very remorseful guys in my office that are great guys who do stupid things. I did my share of stupid things when I was a player. That’s why we’re here — to help correct and help them grow from it.’’

There’s no truly big name or big loss among the suspensions, but it does appear the Hurricanes are preparing for one major exit. Maybe it’s just me — and others — but signs seem to suggest junior quarterback Brad Kaaya is leaving for the NFL.
