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This Wake Forest scandal could be one of my favorites. If you’re not familiar with the story or with the name Tommy Elrod, it’s worth exploring just to take it all in. It’s Shonda Rhimes meets Bill Belichick, and this is most definitely not over.

But why the picture of Lonnie Galloway?

Well, he left West Virginia in March to work at Louisville and co-coordinate the offense and coach the receivers. You’ll remember he was with the Mountaineers twice, though. He initially left in 2011. For Wake Forest. He was the receivers coach and the passing game co-coordinator.

The other co-coordinator? Tommy Elrod.

Lets not libel or slander anyone. A lot of folks are going to make that connection, and that’s not fair. We know college sports are crazy and there is so much more than meets the eye. This could all be a grand and unfortunate coincidence, and there’s perhaps a better explanation for why or how Wake Forest discovered three years of espionage by finding its game plan at Louisville’s stadium the night before the game. What if Louisville’s head coach acquired it? What if the other co-coordinator framed Galloway so he could be the lone coordinator. Whatever. We’ll probably find out one way or another soon enough, because, again, this is not over.

I have to think the best, which is to say the most salacious, is on the way.

The ACC has a lot of work to do. It can’t limit itself to figuring out why this happened and how Louisville came to acquire the game plan but should go beyond that and figure out how many other ACC teams were offered the same and why they never once told Wake Forest or the ACC. It’s hard to believe this is the first time this ever happened so it’s harder to believe no one told on Elrod before this. In one broad stroke, a lot of people are guilty for different reasons. The NCAA might also have an interest in policing this now, if only because this again involves Louisville and perhaps Bobby Petrino, and the Cardinals have to look within and wonder why things continue to happen without their knowledge.