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Big 12 media day: “… if they’ll have me.”

You are looking live at the back-and-forth Wellington Smith and I had this morning. Turns out I was mistaken and the cover is in honor of Bob Huggins. Simple mistake. Anyhow, Huggins is beginning is — a-ha! — 35th season with a team picked to finish second in the Big 12 and ranked No. 18 in the preseason coaches’ poll.

It feels … well, it still feels like the same team that lost its best post player, best rebounder and best scorer and is going use and perhaps even need three freshmen, two of which will be in the frontcourt. But we’ve been over this: The Big 12 is not quite so big. I guess it’s not a bad year to position yourself to make a jump in a Big 12 sport. We’ll explore that further today.

You know the drill for this event. If not, I’ll bring you up to speed: Despite the sponsors name on the building, the WiFi here is ordinarily atrocious. I will update this as can.