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Oh man, Noel is 28?!?!


One of my all-time favorites to watch and to cover, Noel Devine — only three WVU running backs ever had more rushing yards, none had more receptions — is back on campus finishing his undergraduate degree. The diploma comes with three minors, and not surprisingly, Devine, who ought to be a wonderful mentor, honed in on athletic coaching, athletic training and business.

None of those labels means as much as his favorite.

“Dad” is Devine’s favorite role these days. He was the guest speaker Thursday night at the Kanawha Valley WVU Fan Club at Harding’s Restaurant in Mink Shoals. When someone would ask about his kids, his face beamed. He’d tell them all about his five children — Desirae, Andre, Destyni, Noel and Noah — ranging in age from 11 years to 7 months.

He’d pick up his phone and show videos of Desirae smacking a softball deep into the outfield and Destyni winning a footrace in the yard. His Facebook feed has photos of him holding a sign for a garage sale to benefit Desirae’s softball team, along with photos of Andre on the pitcher’s mound.

The kids are back in Florida while Devine finishes his degree. When they call to tell him they miss him, it tugs at his heart. But he knows that short time away will pay off in the end. Devine lost both of his parents by the time he was 11, and it is critically important to him that he’s there for his children.

“The time that’s spent, no money can buy the quality time that’s spent with your kids,” he said. “It’s so amazing.”