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Dana won’t be kicking it on the open weekend

He dislikes talking about kickers almost as much as he likes making fun of Baylor’s schedule. Back later with your transcript.

On comeback wins
I think this team is tough. I think they play with a lot of grit. They just fight. They don’t give up. They’re passionate about what we do. We have a couple of terms that our team picked that describes this team and it was kind of that. They’re a group that likes to fight, feel like they’re pretty tough and feel like they have a lot of grit to them to where if they get down they’re not going to panic. I think our coaching staff has done a better job this year as in years past where you just don’t hit that panic button and you remain calm and regroup. There’s been a couple of halftimes that have been challenging. Missouri was a challenging halftime. When (senior quarterback) Skyler (Howard) was in the training room. Youngstown (State) was a challenging halftime. I don’t remember what BYU’s was, but yeah, just going in there and having the confidence that your team is going to regroup, make good halftime adjustments and go out there and play your tail off for the next half. That’s been critical. Give our coaches credit as well.
On importance of winning close games
Yeah, I think there’s something to that. It’s probably why BYU is going to win some games here in the next two months. You think our games have been tight. They’ve played what, five now and it’s come down to the last drive on all five. Good to see those guys get a win last week. Yeah, I think there’s probably something to that. When it’s easy and you’re blowing teams out, how is your team going to respond in a close game, that’s always a question that you’re not going to have answered until it happens.