The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Dana Holgorsen: Open week!

Yikes. I want to go to Mississippi now. I’ll be back later with a transcript.

On what he’s learned two weeks in
Nothing. It’s still early. It’s still early. We’re a work in progress. That’s one of the things that I like about this team is they understand that. They know that they don’t have anything figured out. They’re going to continue to work hard. This is a big week for us here. We’ll go out there this afternoon, tomorrow afternoon, Thursday and continue to progress and get a jumpstart on BYU obviously, but they need to keep playing. We’re playing a lot of bodies. We played 55 guys last week. Wish we would have played a little more, honestly, but just continue to play. Continue to get better. I think the one thing that I’ve learned is these guys understand that, and they like to play and like get out there and like to play the game.