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Behold, the worst video I’ve taken

Apologies to CC Team — and a tip of the hat to Josh24601 — but this is the worst video I’ve taken. I got to the news conference early. I set up my GorillaPod on the back of a cushioned seat. I prepared to work.

(Aside: I’m perpetually conflicted about the news conference video during the regular season. I know a half-hour is a lot to devote. And understand I used to dislike posting it at all, because you’re getting quotes on Tuesday that I use throughout the week, including within a for-Wednesday story based off what he said in the news conference. The print product still matters. But I reconciled all of that that. I saw the numbers. It’s highly consumed, and what I hear from people is they play it in the background while they do something else, namely work, or they listen to it on a commute. If you’re going to get it somewhere, why not here? Why not spike the average visit length, which is a metric that matters if you ever want to sell ad space. Also, I did chop up the new conferences before, and the reaction was swift and sour.)

Then, not long into Dana Holgorsen’s news conference, I looked over to the Flip camera and noticed Holgorsen was all akimbo on the viewfinder. Uhoh.

The thing shifted. I hurried over and fixed it, but I noticed later that it slid again. I erred by using the back of a cushioned seat. I should have used one of the retractable desk tops on the seat, but I don’t like those because they don’t give me the same height or ability to zoom. But I need to get over that, because what happened today, which hasn’t happened before, can’t happen again.

Preseason reps!

While we’re on the subject, William Crest’s preseason reps are probably not what you thought they were. The wild card days are ending, and he’s basically left to compete for the backup quarterback job now.

“Not needed as much right now,” Holgorsen said. “I love the kid to death. He wants to play so bad. He’s so eager. ‘Whatever you want me to do.’ He’s a wonderful teammate and just a kid you want to coach, but it goes back to what we’ve said: If you’ve got enough guys, get them to specialize. It’s the only way we can get to where we want to be. We’re tired of being good on offense. We’ve been good on offense. I want to be great on offense. You’ve got to get guys who settle in and specialize in something and just get great at that. He’s playing a lot more quarterback than he is running back or receiver. As good of a kid as he is, that guy that can do that is extremely rare. He’s not that guy.”