The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Prep football started Monday



Don’t get the wrong idea: Schools that were hit hard by June’s storms and flooding have picked themselves up, but they’re merely back on their feet. There’s a lot to do at those schools and, more significantly, in those towns, some of which will never be the same.

But Monday offered a small bit of relief because prep football started. The first Friday of the season is now within sight.

And I’m happy to say we did our part to help accelerate recovery. I dropped a fair-sized check in the mail Monday, and thanks to the update from the WVSSAC’s Kelly Geddis, now you know what’s going to happen with the money you donated.

To those of you who gave, accept my gratitude. Donations ranged from a couple bucks to a couple hundred bucks. We did better than some other efforts and not quite as good as others, but we did something. I knew we could, and I thank you for that.