The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Let the game begin!


As promised Friday, something new and unusual today as we more or less begin our 2016 football season right here and right now. Welcome to Preseason Bingo!

We’ll get to the rules in a moment, but trust me when I say it’s as easy as it sounds. It’s probably going to be just as fun. But why are we doing it? Why do we do any of the things we do here?

There’s no answer to that question, and that means there’s no wrong answer. Why do we do TFGD? The Good and the Bad? Chats? F Doubles? I don’t know. But it feels right. And this idea feels right.

I’m not naive or conceited enough to think I’m the only one who can cover West Virginia or give you information that you need to know about the Mountaineers and their preseason camp. Here’s a way to encourage you to search for, discover and enjoy more during camp, which begins Aug. 2.

How does it work? Simply say in the comments that you’re in, and as long as you’re registered to comment with a functioning email address, I’ll email you a bingo card. If you don’t have a functioning email address, I’ll let you know in the comments, and then we’ll go from there.

One  way or another, you’ll get a card. It’s going to look like this.

bingo example

If you find (and can produce) evidence that one of those things happened, save the evidence and cross off that box. Once you get five in a row vertically, horizontally or diagonally, hurry me a photo of your card and the evidence of the five events. I should know most of them, but it’s entirely possible I’ll miss an event here or there, and I don’t want you to lose on account of me overlooking something.

Plus, part of the point of this exercise is to send you out there checking out the good work people do with words, photos and videos, which will also expand what you know about the 2016 squad.

There are 60 events. I dropped one from Friday’s list and added seven based on your suggestions or an idea your suggestions gave me. Your card is getting 25, but remember, camp is long and ends Aug. 16. There’s a lot of time to find and crown a winner.

Here’s your legend:

  • player is “lost” = a coach says a player is lost
  • “day-to-day” = an injured plays is given that label
  • “… embattled Dana Holgorsen” = a story describes WVU’s coach this way
  • “Talk about …” = a reporter begins a question with those words
  • “hot seat” = a media discussion about Holgorsen includes this phrase
  • “I vote in the AP poll” = a media member reveals he/she votes in the top 25
  • fight = players fight
  • unexplained absence = a player is missing for an unexplained reason
  • eligibility question = a player is affected by eligibility uncertainty
  • player leaves = a player leaves the team
  • hamstring = a player has a hamstring injury
  • position change = a player changes positions
  • season-ending injury = a player is lost to injury for the season
  • Dana throws shade at player = Holgorsen jabs at a player
  • Dana throws shade at media = Holgorsen jabs at a media member
  • Dana zings foe = Holgorsen jabs at a past, present or future opponent
  • Dana with Red Bull = Holgorsen is photographed with a can in hand
  • Dana in sunglasses = Holgorsen is photographed in sunglasses
  • the three-sided ball = Holgorsen references all three sides of the ball
  • JaJuan Seider pull quote = the running backs coach unleashes a noteworthy quote
  • new Bruce Tall clothes = the defensive line coach isn’t wearing faded clothing
  • coach uses media to motivate = a coach gets a point across in the media
  • media sniping = media members bicker publicly
  • too hot = a coach or player complains about excessive temperatures
  • not enough hot days = a coach says it’s not hot enough
  • out-of-shape player = a player is said to be out-of-shape
  • Mike Joseph story = a story about the strength coach
  • Shelton Gibson one-handed catch = the junior receiver makes a one-handed catch
  • Al-Rasheed Benton hit = the junior linebacker draws gasps with a hit
  • Devonte Mathis story = a story about the senior receiver
  • Mike Molina story = a story about the junior kicker
  • Jovon Durante developments = news about the sophomore receiver
  • “wild card” William Crest = a story on the junior’s role
  • Khairi Sharif! = the senior safety is mentioned
  • walk-on spotlight = a walk-on gets positive attention
  • out-of-nowhere player = a player comes out of nowhere to receive praise
  • Cody Saunders intrigue = a discussion about the freshman quarterback’s role
  • drone story = a story on WVU using drones
  • prediction column = a column predicting WVU’s record
  • KR/PR preview = a discussion of WVU’s kickoff and punt returners
  • kickoffs = someone asks about kickoffs
  • cornerbacks are fine = a reassurance the cornerbacks are going to be fine
  • Skyler Howard’s third year = a story assumes the quarterback succeeds based on experience
  • Skyler Howard’s “journey” = a story details and specifically mentions the senior’s “journey”
  • Kyzir White hype = the junior safety is hyped
  • Marcus Simms hype = the freshman receiver is hyped
  • Ka’Raun White’s shoulder = mention is made of the junior receiver’s shoulder
  • fumble/drop trouble = a player is found to have an issue with fumbles and/or drops
  • redshirt conversation = a coach discusses who will redshirt
  • Missouri preparation = a coach discusses beginning prep for the opener
  • famous not-Nehlen visitor = a notable practice visitor who isn’t Don Nehlen
  • freshmen linebacker trio = a mention of WVU’s three freshmen linebackers
  • facilities complaint = a player or coach gripes about facilities
  • facilities praise = a player or coach endorses facilities
  • facilities indifference = a player or coach has no problem with or praise for facilities
  • black uniforms? = a mention or manifestation of the annual uniform rumor
  • bad tweet = someone has a regrettable tweet
  • complaint about access = a media member grumbles about media access
  • DJ Dollar = spotlight on the practice DJ
  • mock game day = someone details the annual dress rehearsal for the opener

Questions? Comments? Confusion? Let me know before it’s too late.


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