The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Turn out the lights, the party’s over

Maybe I should feel bad today about that video title from 10 months ago? On Tuesday, we learned that this hit was and should have been ruled that day as targeting.

It wasn’t, and the league’s coordinator of officials, Walt Anderson, regrets that.

“It should have been called on the field,” Anderson said. “We missed this, and this would be one that this year we would want the instant replay official to stop.”

Some of you disagree. I know that. So on the day this play was used to explain why replay officials now have the authority to stop play so they can determine if a play should be called targeting, Anderson and I decided to spar about this hit.

To be sure, that does not sit well with WVU’s following, the most vocal still insist Joseph did it right and was not in the wrong. But Anderson said there’s no arguing it was targeting. The officials tell coaches and coaches now tell players that there are four “low-risk indicators” that can be taught, learned and remembered to avoid targeting:

Keep your head up. Wrap up. Move your head to the side. Lower your strike zone.

“He pretty much had all the negative indicators on that,” Anderson said.