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It’s back!


Aaaawww, yeah! Expansion is all up in your area again, and it isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

There were whispers late last week that this quizzical conference call the Big 12 scheduled for Tuesday and after the conclusion of media days might yield some sort of direction about expansion. Invitations? Probably not. Intent? Probably.

But then Monday came and we thought the call might be to formalize the conference championship game, which returns in 2017. Monday unfolded, and it was so clear Baylor was such a nuisance that the call might have been there to stage a protest or something punitive.

Nope. Nope. We’re getting two more teams to the Big 12, and if I’m a betting man, it’s four teams, because why should the Big 12 have 12 teams? The conference call didn’t green-light expansion. It essentially fast-tracked expansion.

Expansion is on the table for the conference after its presidents and chancellors voted unanimously Tuesday to have commissioner Bob Bowlsby “actively evaluate” the interest of universities who have contacted the Big 12 about joining.

Bowlsby and University of Oklahoma president David Boren would not say which schools are on the Big 12’s radar, but there have been many that have contacted the conference to see if they might join. Adding both two and four teams to the conference will be on the table.

“I would say, yes, it’s a forward step,” Boren said in a Tuesday evening conference call. “It’s a positive step. It’s not yet a decision, if any particular university or college — or even a definite decision about when we expand or the way, the form this would take. But it’s definitely a forward step, and I think it shows momentum on the board to very seriously consider this as a possibility.”

I’m going to pour out posts the rest of the day, but I know this is going to be the most popular one, so why not make a meal of it? Two teams or four? And what two or four are on the way?