The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Let’s huddle

As you know, the state has been just devastated by flooding. It’s tragic and depressing and inescapable. A lot of people within the borders need a lot of help, but I’ve seen so many things in the last two days that inspire me and give me hope that all that help is somewhere out there.

At the same time, you do feel helpless. You’re one person, one family, one football team, and an enormous part of our 1.8 million are in need. I really want to do something, and we have an outstanding community with our blog.  You’re not only funny and sharp, but you’re great people with great reach. I’d like to use what we have at our disposal.

I’m open to suggestions, but the immediate thought is to take collections via PayPal. I don’t know where the money would go. It’s still early in what’s sure to be a long recovery. But I’ve seen ruined homes and towns. I’ve heard of shelters needing a long list of supplies. I know high school football teams lost a lot of equipment or basically all of their equipment.

We’ll be democratic about it, but I’ll be honest: I’d really like to help those high schools and their athletic departments and their teams. This is a sports blog. We’re sports fans. There’s a greater cause out there, I know, but I feel like so many good organizations and people have that covered. So let’s stay in our lane. I know the affected communities could use something to feel good about. I have to think Friday nights would help usher things back toward normal, if only a little, and I get sad as heck when I think schools might not be able to have a football season this fall.

So that’s my proposition. I’d like to organize something here to help. We can figure out where it goes and who we help. If nothing comes of it — and I can’t imagine a scenario like that — I’ll return the money.

So, what do you think?