The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

“Nobody operates like a West Virginian”

West Virginia’s basketball team was part of a pretty great venture yesterday, traveling to Boone County to work with a list of others “help give out food and supplies to a community wracked with misfortune.”

There’s a fun anecdote within the story, though.

Huggins told the team the bus was leaving at 6 a.m. Elijah Macon and Brandon Watkins were late. And left behind. Threats of tire lifting in Morgantown “until we get back” were leveled at the pair by the coach.

But the duo volunteered to drive down — and ended up first heading toward Wharton, Pennsylvania, after incorrectly setting their GPS.


Laugh, but take a look at who was hard at work with all the other gracious volunteers.