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Prince is gone, long live the king

Blah, I don’t want to do anything else today but listen to people tell stories about Prince and watch old videos. I’ve been doing it for an hour or so now, and I’m pretty sure I’m nowhere near finished. I was a big David Bowie fan, and that stunk, but, man, this sucks so bad. I won’t tell you I’m the biggest fan or that I went to a ton of his concerts and have all his albums. It’s not true. But I liked, like, everything he did. Not just music. Movies. Style. Swagger. Pancakes. Iconic stuff.

By now you know, I’m a sucker for national anthems. I used to say that Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner was the standard. I’m still entrenched. I used to say, maybe half seriously, it should be played before all sporting events.

I won’t argue this: Prince’s halftime show at Super Bowl XLI was the greatest, and there’s an amazing background story to go with it.

But watch the video at the top. I’ll never forget this. That’s a cool song, so I perked up right away, but then Prince appears — literally appears, out of nowhere — at the 3:25 mark. I remember thinking, “Huh?” and then not blinking the rest of the way. Look who he’s with, and look at them. They’re stunned, I think, and he knows it. Then the just throws his guitar into space. How cool is that guy? The coolest guy in the room.

Back tomorrow. No F Double, but otherwise an ordinary day.