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Plenty to cheer on APR day


The NCAA’s latest round of academic data was released today, and West Virginia is in good shape throughout the athletic department. Seven teams had perfect scores, the department-wide average is up five points from last year and none of the 17 sports checked in under the 930 level that triggers penalties.

“I would like to congratulate the men’s basketball and rowing programs for their tremendous academic success by posting a perfect four-year APR score of 1,000,” said Lyons. “I would also like to recognize and congratulate the rifle, wrestling, men’s basketball, women’s soccer, rowing, tennis and women’s swimming & diving teams for their perfect scores in 2014-15. I’m pleased that we have had 30 teams with perfect scores in the last four years.”

Hey, look at Bob “Zero Percent Graduation Rate” Huggins checking in with a four-year perfect score, and those four years include some heavy roster upheaval. Overall, it’s not riveting stuff, but it’s a measure schools have to monitor these days. No one’s in real danger, though volleyball (949), baseball (948) and football (945) are close to the minimum level.