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Tony Gibson: Entertainer

West Virginia’s defensive coordinator decided to build a house upon his return to campus, and I’ve heard it’s pretty sweet with some cool features — like that fire pit and these accoutrements — here and there and everywhere. This is where he’ll get to know his new coaches sooner rather than later, and he has some getting-to-know-you to do with Blue Adams and, to a lesser extent, Matt Caponi.

“With Coach Adams, it happened so quick with him coming in so late that we haven’t gotten to to anything, but we will once spring ball is over and before recruiting,” he said. “We’ll spend some time together. I met his family last week. He’s adjusting well, but it was pretty quick with him.”

Indeed. Adams was hired and named the cornerbacks coach March 7. Spring practice began six days later. Not a lot of time for ice cold Nesteas there.

It’s different with Caponi, not because he was hired in January and not because he’s worked with Gibson at Pitt and Arizona.

“He’s living with me,” Gibson said.

There’s a catch. Caponi is getting married in June … and this is where I stop you and say, no, Gibson is not nobly standing between Caponi and his fiancee living under the same roof before they’re married. The soon-to-be Caponis are buying a house and moving in when they get hitched, and Caponi needed a place to stay until then.

“His days ran out at the hotel, so instead of trying to get him to rent something for a couple months, I said, ‘Shoot, just live in my basement,'” Gibson said.

Gibson and his wife spent all of last season alone in their new house, and that was something they hadn’t experienced in a long time. Their son moved out years ago when he went to West Virginia Wesleyan to play football before an injury ended his career early. Their daughter moved out last summer for the start of her freshman year at WVU. “She’s in and out. She has her own apartment now and does her own thing. It seems like when she gets hungry or has dirty laundry, she comes home.”

Don’t get him wrong: Gibson doesn’t mind the company. And he and his wife don’t mind their new roommate, either.

“Actually, it probably helps her out,” Gibson said. “She doesn’t have to sit there and watch the Pirates with me or watch sports all the time now. I have a companion I’m able to do that with now.”