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WVU photo

This is probably all stuff we’ll get into more when WVU has a full coaching staff — and then, like, two weeks pass without another change — and we can discuss such matters knowing the decisions have already been made, but where the Mountaineers recruit and who leads those operations is always and again apparently changing.

There are three and soon four new coaches on the staff, and Joe Wickline, Matt Caponi, Blue Adams and Lonnie Galloway’s replacement will know areas that perhaps other WVU assistants do not or maybe the Mountaineers haven’t touched before. Other times, a guy knows a guy and WVU looks to, say, Detroit and nabs one of the best running backs in the state. It’s never static, and when there’s this much change in an offseason, and when someone like Galloway departs with his connections in Atlanta and Maryland and North Carolina, you need to add or replace to offset the subtraction.

Permanent or otherwise, the Mountaineers seem to have a way around that.