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Bob Huggins is not a fan of commercials


From Thursday’s news conference:

Q. Coach, you’ve been at this a long time. How has the tournament changed over the years? And how has your preparation for the tournament changed?

BOB HUGGINS: Probably not as uptight. I was just walking down here, and I thought about the first time that I sat in that meeting, and I was at the University of Akron, and I’m looking around at all these guys, and I’m like, wow, you know, and you think — we must have been the last seed in the tournament because we played Michigan, who was the number 1 ranked team in the country the whole year. We played really well. I think we lose by six or something like that, but we played really well. I’m thinking, how do you ever win six games in this deal? Haven’t figured that out yet.

But we’ve won four a few times. I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s gotten — I don’t know how much it has changed really. We were playing in domes back then, and that was — what would that have been, early ’90s, I guess. No. Probably late ’80s. Late ’80s, we were playing in domes. We’re playing in domes now. I don’t know that it’s — the meetings are still long, boring. So I don’t know what all’s changed. More commercials maybe. I’m not sure.