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Jon Holton’s odd affinity for KT tape

Jon Holton is going to play tonight, and he’s over the twisted ankle that kept him out of the final 14 minutes of Saturday’s game at Baylor, but remember when he hurt his left shoulder and had to leave the Texas Tech game eight days ago?

That was worrisome, because Holton’s left shoulder has had signage all season. Why, I never knew, so I asked him Wednesday. Holton is, pardon the expression, attached to that tape for reasons only he can understand and explain.

Holton, who averages 9.4 points and 7.8 rebounds, has worn strips of black kinesiology therapy tape on his left shoulder. KT tape can support, stretch and strengthen muscle and soft tissue, but Holton said he didn’t start wearing it after an injury.

“To tell the truth,” he said, “I saw James Harden wearing it.”

Holton copied Harden because he liked the look, but he discovered later that he liked the feel.

“At first I liked the style of it, so I went with the style and then I got comfortable using it,” he said.

He said the only game he didn’t wear the tape was the Texas Tech game, but Holton, who only wears the tape because he feels better with it on, doesn’t wear it for all basketball activities.

“I don’t like to practice with the tape,” he said. “It’s all mental. I’ve got to keep my mental ability.”