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Dana hard a large night

We saw a fiery Dana Holgorsen from start to finish last night — literally … because he was blistering the head linesman after he picked up a pass interference penalty on the first drive and he was doing this after the game-winning touchdown — and you knew he wanted this one for reasons I likely don’t need to tell you.

But the prevailing emotion for much of the game was frustration, likely born our of execution falling short of expectations. The Mountaineers knew Arizona State’s defense was not merely sieve, but a sieve with holes and yet WVU was kicking field goals an missing throws and leaving points and plays on the field.
Q. Were you a little frustrated at all the first quarter with three field goals?

SKYLER HOWARD: Slightly (laughter)?

Q. You overcame it.
COACH HOLGORSEN: Yeah, I think a lot of it comes back to having skill guys that are confident and will make that extra play. I was yelling at them pretty good. I reminded them where the end zone was, told them to score. So they started scoring. I should have said it before the game.

That’s just inexperience at receiver more than anything. We got better in the pass game. A lot of the guys from Morgantown, they know my frustrations with the passing game.

I’m very proud of our run game right now. We didn’t run the ball very good today. We knew we wouldn’t be able to. So the emphasis was on the pass game. We finally did something on the pass game to warrant a win.

Q. You dove onto the ground. What was going through your mind when you hit the ground?
COACH HOLGORSEN: I don’t remember. I don’t remember. I guess frustration.