The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Don’t change that channel

No Friday Feedback today, but that’ll be the last time I say that for some time. That’ll drop, as scheduled, a week from today on the eve of the opener. It will also cap off the opening week here on the blog.

If you’re new here and you like the surroundings, well, things change a little bit — for the better, we think. I don’t do a lot of the article-link blogs in the fall that I do throughout the rest of the year. Some, but not many. There might be an occasion I or someone I like writes something really good and it deserves the stage. Mostly, though, I lean on our signature features here during the seasons.

Radical, you say? We discussed this here before. If you want articles, you know where to find them. I hope they’re my articles, of course, and if you need to come here to find them, they’re (almost) always linked on the right side of the page. I can also teach you how to bookmark the WVU page on the Gazette-Mail site. But this is a different place during football season. And I mean really different.

And if you’re not new here and like the surroundings, well, things will change a little bit for you, too — and for the better, I think.

Mondays remain reserved for Texts From Game Day. “What’s that?” Oh, I should smack you. But I’ll let it slide, since you’re new. Behold!

Tuesdays will now feature The Tuesday Taboo. It’s new. I don’t know where we’re going with it, but that’s what I like about it. It replaces the Wednesday Walkthrough, which I started to dislike last season, but it’s still a video blog. In this one, we’ll discuss the things that we’re not supposed to talk about. Lots of potential there.

Wednesdays are now the day for the Good and the Bad. It’s a bit obtuse because it’s in the middle of the following game week, but I’ll get it in early so it’s still timely. It should be better, too. It’ll give me more time — it already takes more time than I care to admit — and I’ll get to talk to coaches and players Tuesday before I publish it the following day. I was publishing it Tuesdays before the weekly interviews and kept going, “Man, that’s a good point. Wish I got that in G&B.”

Thursdays and Fridays are the same. Chat on Thursday. F Double on Fridays that I don’t travel.

Saturday will have the live game blog.

On Sunday, we rest, but the blog will have all the relevant coverage out of Saturday’s game.

As for what happens for the Thursday-night TCU game, it’s going to be a little jumbled because it’s an open week before that and then a regular week after that. We haven’t had to deal with that since we’ve been running like this, but we’ll figure it out when the time comes.

Comments? Concerns? Criticisms?