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Player interviews: Aug. 14, 2015

I had almost forgotten about the grey unis…

Redshirt senior linebacker Nick Kwiatkoski

On what the defense is doing this year to try and improve the pass rush
We are putting in different types of ways to blitz. We are just working every day, and we are working on our pass rush moves, before and after practice. Everyone is working. The linemen and linebackers are working on pass rush moves.
On if a lot of emphasis has been put on the pass rush and if the coaches made the point that last year’s pass rush wasn’t sufficientIt’s kind of known. We just emphasis it more every day.

On what junior defensive lineman Larry Jefferson adds to the pass rush
He is a great pass rusher. He is a tall and very quick guy. He can bring a lot into the pass rush game, and we are lucky to have him. He’s one of those guys that gets to the quarterback, so we will see.

On individual improvement throughout fall camp
Camp is definitely a grind. We are hitting it hard every day. The biggest thing is going out every day and trying to get better. It’s hard. It’s hard for everyone. You definitely have to make an emphasis on trying to improve each day.

On finishing off his last year with redshirt senior linebacker Shaq Petteway and redshirt senior linebacker Jared Barber
It definitely allowed us to get close. Like you said, we came in together. (Redshirt senior linebacker) Shaq (Petteway) and I were bother safeties, and then we moved to linebacker. Those two guys, along with me, have experienced a lot of defense and a lot of change over in coaches and schemes. It’s all about coming together, especially now, since we can finish off our careers here. It means a lot.

Junior safety Jeremy Tyler

On the spur position
That plays a role with everything I do. It’s the same athleticism at the free safety position, as opposed to coming down in the box. It’s all about making plays.

On if he likes to play the spur position
I like to play in the box. I like to play ball. I like to hit people, and I like the transition. It’s not a bad spot.

On if the defense is better this season
Yes. We have more guys flying around and making plays. We have more guys maturing and feeling more comfortable with this defense. If you tie that all in together, then you have a better defense.

On if the 3-3-5 defense was a big change
No. The defense that we are in right now is a very simple defense. Once you get a couple schemes in and the base defense in, then you are good to go.

On if assistant coach (defensive coordinator/linebackers) Tony Gibson has added in any tweaks over the course of the summer
He made tweaks to make us feel more comfortable on the field, so he is disguising coverages and making us feel more comfortable at what we are doing.

On if he likes to blitz
Yes. At the spur position, you have to be able to be around the ball. You have to have a knack for the ball. I think that is a good position for me. I played it my freshman year, so I am really familiar with it.

Redshirt junior defensive lineman Christian Brown

On how he is getting better
I’m trying to work on my craft and on the little things I didn’t do last year. Playing defensive end is a new position for me. Last year, I was at nose tackle for half the season, before I moved to defensive end. I am going through the adjustments of playing defensive end and working on the things that’ll help make me a better player.

On if there is a huge adjustment going from nose tackle to defensive end
Not really because defensive end is the position I’ve always wanted to play at this next level. Nose tackle is a more physical position than defensive end, so it’s stuff that you have to adjust to. It isn’t anything big or major to worry about.

On being able to make more big plays at defensive end than at nose tackle
I can get a chance to sack the quarterback a lot more, and I can get a lot of one on one blocking going against me. A lot of stuff can happen that I couldn’t get at nose tackle.

On being able to get to the quarterback with a 3-man front going against a 5-man front
It’s a little tough, but if you want to get back there you’re going to do anything in your ability to do it. It’s nothing hard. We have been running this scheme for four years now. It’s nothing major to worry about.

On the defense generating quarterback sacks and turnovers in the 2015 season
Of course, coach (defensive coordinator/linebackers Tony Gibson) Gibby has been on us about getting after the quarterback a lot. If you look back at last season, either the TCU game or the Texas Game, there were a lot of games that we could’ve finished. It would’ve made our season a lot better. I think that if we all get in the mindset of getting the job done, then we can be the best defense in the country and do whatever we want to do.

Redshirt senior offensive lineman Marquis Lucas

On his relationship with assistant coach (offensive line) Ron Crook
My relationship with coach (assistant coach/offensive line Ron) Crook is probably one of the best relationships I have had with a coach since high school. He is someone who genuinely cares about you on and off the field. When you have someone like that it just makes you want to work even harder.

On being able to pick up things quicker as a redshirt senior
Coach (Dana) Holgorsen was telling me earlier, I am a fifth year senior. Things should click for me faster from being in this offense and system for so long.

On the cohesion and relationship amongst the offensive line
I would say we are a pretty tight group. Not everybody hangs out with each other, but we definitely have a good relationship as far as being together around the stadium and in the meeting room. Nobody is afraid to tell anybody anything, and I think that is really good for us. Nobody is afraid to get in each other’s chests about certain things, so I think we are doing well.

On being a vocal leader this season
I was never really too much of a vocal guy. I don’t want to say I was forced into the role, but I have no problem with it now. I see how the young guys look up to me. If they need guidance or help with anything, I’m here for them.

Junior running back Wendell Smallwood

On what he sees out of redshirt junior running back Rushel Shell
He’s doing pretty well. He’s just second guessing himself sometimes, and he’s not getting the burst he wants. Once he wants to explode, he will.

On the different running back rotations from last year to now
This year, I think we have a lot more experienced players. I think we just have me and (redshirt junior running back Rushel) Shell. Then we have the back side that needs reps, but I think they know the offense just as well. They’re stepping up, and they’re doing stuff right, but most of the time it’s just me and (redshirt junior running back Rushel) Shell in for right now. The rotation right now is not that hard on us.

On what to expect from redshirt freshman running back Donte Thomas-Williams
I think he runs hard. He’s a bruiser. He goes from north to south real fast. He is going to carry a lot of people on his back and take a lot of linebackers down, so I think that’s what you all can expect from him.

On believing that redshirt freshman running back Donte Thomas-Williams can carry some packages during certain situation
I definitely could see that knowing how (coach) Dana (Holgorsen) is, and what he does with the backs. He tries to get us all on the field, so I could see that.

What’s it like going up against this defense on a regular basis
It’s tough. They’re a very good defense, and they have a lot of experience. It’s hard going against the backers (linebackers) and the d-line every day. Sometimes they get us and sometimes we get them, but they bring their all every day. I think that’s the best practice we’re going to get.

Senior wide receiver Jordan Thompson

On where he’s seeing his improvements
My biggest improvement is probably consistency, as in catching balls, making routine plays and getting the right depth on routes.

On how he evaluates his improvement at fall camp
I would evaluate my camp as being pretty good. My camp has been very well. We have come a long way from spring to now, not just as an offense but as a group. My camp has been good. I’m just getting ready for the season.

On his leadership role and helping bring the three newcomers along
I’ve been working with them on minor things. All three of them are talented, very talented. They’re gifted. It is the little things as in squeezing your routes and getting your right depth, because depth is key with timing and stuff. If you cut a route short, you’re coming back from the break, and the quarterback isn’t ready to throw the ball. I give them inside tips on how they can be better, because they have all the talent in the world.