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Hey! WVU got an honest-to-goodness game last night

There hasn’t been much to say about what WVU has done and who the Mountaineers have played in the Bahamas, but I suppose that changes today. The Mountaineers again pilfered and plundered their way to a 20-point win against the best competition they saw and finished 3-0.

“I thought it was good for us,” said coach Bob Huggins. “They played hard and it was competitive for the majority of the game. I thought our freshmen really stepped up and played well. I thought our young guys gave us great minutes.”
The Mountaineers fouled a lot on the tour and were at their worst Thursday, but I thought the officiating was, shall we say, abnormal in at least two of the games. (Feels like February around here, no?) Free-throw shooting and the assist-turnover ratio were again problematic, but WVU had way too much offense for either to make a mark, and that’s not always been the case for the Mountaineers.