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Player interviews: Aug. 11, 2015

Update your programs! A new number for an old face, who, by the way, is having a very solid camp.

Redshirt junior running back Rushel Shell

On the differences between this year and last year
I’m more comfortable in the shotgun. I’m used to coming out of the A and B formation. I’m a lot more knowledgeable at blitz pickups. I think that is something that I focused on this offseason. I want be a back that can block, and I feel as if that is my biggest difference.

On the skill sets that are required playing two different types of formations
The I formation is when you lineup and dot the I, and then you run as fast as you can downhill. In the shotgun, you have to be more patient. You have to let your blocks develop, and let everyone do their job before you can do yours. I think that that is the biggest difference between the two schemes. The I formation is more of a big guy that runs hard, and the shotgun is more of a player that can cut it up field and be able to run people over at times too.

On the running game developing over the years at the collegiate and professional level
Yeah, I think that the game is changing a lot, especially with my position at running back. It’s something that everyone is going to have to adapt too, because that’s what it is at the next level, as well as at the collegiate level.

On if he is trying to adapt to the changes
Definitely. You have to be able to play in any formation in any type of offense or else you will get left behind.

Redshirt senior wide receiver KJ Myers

On any changes in his life
Yes, I wake up with a purpose. I have seen some amazing changes with the way I feel physically, mentally and spiritually. Life is easier when you wake up with a purpose. I am not tired in the morning. I wanted to wake up. I want to come to football. I want to play football. I want to be an inspiration through my brand.

On if he has always been spiritual
Yes. My father is a pastor, so that is really where I get my main encouragement from, as well as my mother. We have always been in the church. We are a Christian family. That’s how I was brought up, and I will never stray away from that.

On if there were tough times
Yes, there were tough times. There were times where I was away from the Lord, and I was in the darkness. I was going through a lot of things, and now I am back in the light. The bible is remarkable, but you have to apply it to your life. The scriptures are hard to understand, but if you break it down and apply it to your life then it speaks volumes. They really help a lot.

Junior quarterback Skyler Howard

On freshman wide receiver Gary Jennings, freshman wide receiver Jovon Durante and redshirt sophomore wide receiver Ka’Raun White
They’re doing great. All three of them are taking it each day at a time and are trying to do better. (freshman wide receiver) Jovon (Durante) is looking great. He’s real fast. He is catching on real fast. (Freshman wide receiver Gary) Jennings is coming along. He has a big body. He’ll catch the ball in traffic. He is really doing a good job of catching the ball and securing it. (Redshirt sophomore wide receiver) Ka’Raun’s (White) ceiling is limitless, just like his brother (Kevin White) was. He has the genes, obviously, but he’s looking good.

On if having two big wide receivers makes it easier to throw
In some situations, yes. Obviously in zone, it’s more of finding the grass, but in man it’s nice to throw the ball up to them.

On the differences and similarities of throwing to redshirt sophomore wide receiver Ka’Raun White as opposed to his brother Kevin White
He reminds me a lot of Kevin (White). I wasn’t here during Kevin’s first year, but I was here during that spring, and he reminds me a lot of Kevin (White) going through that first year from what I’ve heard. It’s going to be the same.

On if there’s anything left in the installation phase
Yesterday was probably the last day of installations. Now, it’s just tweaking it, finding out what we’re really good at and polishing the things we’re not good at.

Senior safety KJ Dillon

On how camp is going thus far
Camp is going really well. We have focused on playing consistently. We are just getting after each other.

On fielding punt returns in the rain yesterday at practice
I dropped one yesterday in practice, but I’m not going to blame it on the rain.

On if he has been focusing on punt returning in the offseason
This whole summer we have just been catching punt and kickoffs. We are trying to make it an important part of our game, because we slept on it a lot last year. If we get better at special teams, it will make our team better as a whole.

On the overall defense
I think we are coming together well, but we still have some work to do. We are performing at a high level, and we are hoping to build on that.

Senior cornerback Rick Rumph III

On him no longer wearing the No. 14 jersey
My mom and I talked about it. She said it’s a good number, because she has three sons. I look at it as that. Every time I put my jersey on, I take pride in not only West Virginia, but also my family.

On what he is seeing from himself along with the secondary during fall camp
For myself, I’m seeing more improvement with learning the defense and getting better with my techniques. As far as a whole, I think the chemistry is getting better every day.

On his role as a third starter in the cornerback position
You can say I’m a third starter. My role is whenever the next man has to be up. I see myself as being ready to step up whenever the next man is up. Whenever a guy goes down, I want to be able to step in and do the same thing he did.

On his thoughts from last year’s Baylor game when two starters went down and he was inserted into the lineup
It was a big opportunity. In my head I was thinking this is a big opportunity that I need to take full advantage of. It was a weird opportunity for two players to get hurt, but it was a big opportunity for me to rise up.

Junior cornerback Daryl Worley

On if the film sessions was more of a defensive thing or defensive back field thing
It was more of a defensive back field thing. We love all 11 guys on the defensive side of the ball as well as the offensive side. In the defensive back field, we just have a closer bond. We feel as if we have so much in common, and that we’re all on the same path.

On if it was breaking down different coverages or recognizing different receiver routes
It was more of recognizing the routes and who was running the routes. We wanted to see their strengths and weaknesses.

On the most difficult portion to defend
The most difficult portion is speed. They have some guys over there that can really run. When I mean run, I mean really run. It seems like they’re getting faster every year that they come in. It’s crazy. Between working with our teams and our technique, we have the abilities to slow them down and be able to do what we have to do defensively.

On things to do in practice to disguise yourself against the offense
Sometimes the quarterbacks and the receivers tell us that we have them a little confused. We want to keep them moving and keep everything in motion, and they’ll never know where it stops or when the ball snaps.