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Player interviews: Aug. 8


Junior Quarterback Skyler Howard

On how much more improvement the team can make over fall camp
Right now, it is just the little things. We have our timing down pretty much. It’s about seeing which routes are better with certain guys. We’re getting to the point where we know what guys are good and what skill sets they have. We are using that to our advantage. Right now, I can do a better job of getting the call into them.

On how he develops a relationship with the second team guys
The film room. In the film room they see certain looks. They study the film, and when they see a certain look they know what’s coming. You take mental reps while watching film.

On how much of his game is confidence or is it more of a polished quarterback
It’s more of a feel. I always had a pretty good feel of scrambling and knowing when to scramble. I think moving to the next level kind of made me a little bit antsy. I’m getting under control. That is one thing I am focusing on right now. I want to stay calm in the pocket and focus on my reads. It’s getting better every day. Yesterday was 10 times better than the day before, so today, I am going to continue to work on myself and stay calm. As far as polishing, that’s all about mentality staying in the film room and working with the guys to stay consistent.

On his footwork
Even in the bowl game, I was antsy and moving around a lot. Going back and watching that film, I was moving around a bunch. I was even moving around a lot in the spring. We just got done watching film yesterday, and I can tell you it is 10 times better. I am going to continue to work on my footwork too.

Redshirt junior wider receiver KJ Myers

On what coach Dana Holgorsen has said to him that’s helping him become a better leader
Yes. I’ve been around for a while now, and I’m like an older brother to a lot of the players. I’m a senior now and he (coach Dana Holgorsen) said to take advantage of that. It’s my last year, and I know exactly what to do. I’ve been here for so long, so I want to help the team in any way possible.

On the differences between last year’s Big 12 competition and this year’s competition
It’s going to be very competitive. Especially with us, because we’ve been in the conference for three years now. It’s about to be real competitive, but I feel like we’re about to come out on top.

On his leadership role toward the younger guys
I’m trying to bring them up and give them a lot of wisdom and advice, especially since I’ve been here for so long. I know what it takes, and I know things that you may go through. I’ve been helping the young boys out, because I’m a senior, and I’m like a big brother to them.

On what he is trying to accomplish this season
I want to be a leader. I want to be a living testimony for all the younger players that are just coming in, and show them how hard you have to work to be successful in the game.

On anyone who has stood out to him during camp
I feel like everyone is standing out. The competition is crazy. It’s very elevated now than in previous years, especially at the beginning of practices. Everyone is buying in, and things are going great.

Redshirt senior linebacker Shaq Petteway

On what he has seen out of the younger guys the last couple of days
(Sophomore linebacker) Xavier Preston is as good as any starter in the Big 12 (Conference). The bad thing is that he is behind (redshirt senior linebacker Nick) Kwiatkoski. He’s definitely going to play. He’s growing. He’s developing. (Redshirt sophomore linebacker Al-Rasheed Benton) Al’s progressing. You have Ed (redshirt senior linebacker Edward Muldrow III), but Ed’s not a young guy. Then you have (redshirt junior linebacker) Sean Walters. All these guys are working toward the same goal.

On if this is the deepest group since he’s been here
Individually, if you just look around you can see anyone of these guys can be starting. We all feed off of each other, and we go to practice trying to make each other better. We are all working for the same position, so it’s helping the starters along.

On referencing coach Dana Holgorsen’s comment with Shaq’s pop on the field
Probably being healthy for one. It’s year two on my ACL, so it’s not really a problem anymore. I had a great offseason working out. I am lot stronger and bigger than I was in the past.

On finding out a lot more about the younger guys once the pads are on
We are definitely going to find out whose physical, but the last two days we had pads on. It’s pretty much the same for us as far the linebackers and linemen. We are still coming down and colliding with each other, so we already know who’s physical and whose going to play downhill. Today we get to see who’s going to be in position to make tackles in real life situations.

Sophomore safety Dravon Askew-Henry

On his improvements throughout last season
I pretty much had to learn as I went, but each game I got better at something. It could’ve been something little like my angles or my ball catching skills, but this spring ball really helped me improve.

On if the matchups with the receivers on offense help him prepare for Big 12 play
They are all different types of receivers. We compete out there every day. We make them better, and they make us better.

On if there any matchups that he is looking forward to in fall camp
We all like to go at it with whoever steps up. We like to go out there and compete against one another.

On what he learned about himself over this past year
First of all, you have to play with confidence. You have to stay humble and keep working hard at what you do. You have to watch a lot of film to be successful.

On if there is a fine line between athletes who are good and guys who are really good
You have to put in the extra work. The little things can separate a good athlete from a really good athlete.

Redshirt senior defensive line Kyle Rose

On redshirt linebacker Jared Barber
(Redshirt linebacker) Jared (Barber) and I came in this together, and he’s been my roommate for four years. I know the type of person he is, and I know the type of player he is. Anytime you can have (redshirt linebacker) Jared Barber on your defense it’s just going to bring the physicality of play up. He’s a mentally strong player. He’s faced a lot of adversity in his career. We lean on him to give us leadership and to lead our defense in the right position. Playing middle linebacker you have to have a solid mental strength, and he gets us in the right positions to be successful. He’s a really big asset to your defense.

On what he saw in redshirt linebacker Jared Barber last year when he had to sit out
I think it would be a tough time for anyone. You’ve worked so hard to get to this point in your career and then one play it can be taken away from you. We saw his mental strength. There’s some adversity in life, but we saw how he handled that situation. He did the best he could do. I think he learned that football is a sport that can be taken away from you very quickly and something like that will definitely change your mentality and how you will approach the game. We can only learn from him. He’s learned from that, and he’s back stronger than ever. He’s a good player.

On how junior defensive lineman Darrien Howard has developed in the last two years
(Junior defensive lineman) Darrien Howard has developed tremendously since when he first got here. I know he played linebacker in high school, and then he came in right to the d-line. It’s probably a hard transition going from linebacker to d-line and putting your hand on the ground, but (junior defensive lineman) Darrien Howard is one of the most explosive players on our team, physically. He’s a good kid. I’ve been happy and thankful to have him play nose guard with me. He makes me better, and I hope to make him better. He’s a tremendous athlete, a good kid and a good football player.

On how much they push each other playing the same position
We push each other to be the best that we can. Having someone like him (junior defensive lineman Darrien Howard) being athletic, squatty and heavy really forces me to get low whenever we’re doing drills together. Being a little taller forces me to change my level. We work each other pretty well.

On how sophomore linebacker Xavier Preston, freshman defensive lineman Adam Shuler II, redshirt freshman defensive lineman Tyree Owens and redshirt freshman defensive lineman Jaleel Fields have developed individually
The younger guys are really progressing well. I know this is only going to be our third practice hitting and our first full time in full pads, so we’ll see how those guys handle a live situation. From what I’ve seen so far, they’ve done a pretty good job handling what we’ve thrown in our installation periods and getting the defense down. It’s kind of hard to ask a younger guy to focus when they’re not getting all the reps, but they can get mental reps watching the one’s and two’s go. Those guys have developed mentally and physically, and they’re becoming good players.

On if this is the most comfortable the defensive line has been depth wise
I think we have our first line and our second line. There should be no drop off from when a backup comes in or when a two comes in for a one. There should be no drop off. We need to have our first two solid lines to be one of the best defensive lines in the country and in the Big 12 (Conference). I think this year our depth is really going to be a key for our success.

Junior cornerback Daryl Worley

On him missing the spring and if there is any rust at all
I think it’s a great thing that we are able to do things in the summer, which actually helped a lot of us to loosen up. It helped me get back into the tune of things. I was able to work back with the one’s and get back in tune. I wasn’t that rusty going into camp. The only difference is the pads.

On if there’s any problems with conditioning
No, not at all. One thing I know is that coach Joseph focused on while I was out all spring was conditioning and getting my wind back. He was staying on top of everything because in the summertime he knew that the weight would come and everything would be perfectly fine.

On the phrase mental reps and what the real effectiveness of that is vs. being on the field
I think the mental reps come out more while you’re watching, trying to get the play call and seeing what (defensive coordinator/linebackers coach Tony Gibson) Gibby calls and then translating it to see what other players might do. I think the real mental reps come when you’re in the film room and going over how that happened. You see what you could have done better and what someone else could have done.

On comparing where he is now vs. when he got tossed out onto the field against Baylor
It would be like my first time stepping onto the football field to right now. I feel so comfortable out there right now, between not just what I know I can do, but also what my teammates can do. They keep me very comfortable. The experience that we have around us is phenomenal. It keeps us all on our toes.